Hi Ari - I am a very new user of ari-yahoo and I feel that others might have better suggestions than I, so I am taking the liberty of sharing your reply with the 'speakup' mailing list where I know a number of your users reside. I know they will not hesitate to pass along their own ideas. One suggestion that might be very simple to implement is to add a bell character to each received message as it is displayed. Many users leave your program running on a virtual console while attending to tasks elsewhere, and the audible bell character is no respecter of consoles - it summons you from wherever you are when someone sends a message. If such a feature would annoy other users, perhaps an on-off switch of some sort could enable/disable it. Thanks for your warm response. I will watch for the revision. Regards - Chuck On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Ari Johnson wrote: > > You don't know how happy I am to hear that someone has the level of > appreciation for Ari's Yahoo Client as you do. I'm sitting here amazed > that I've created something that actually helps people. Thank you. > > Regarding your changes, I'll look them over and try to put a version 1.4.2 > on freshmeat.net within a week, or less. Be sure to check the > documentation files when you get it to make certain I remember to include > your name. > > Also, is there anything else that you would want changed about the > program? I'd be more than happy to do anything to further facilitate the > usability of ari-yahoo by blind or otherwise visually-impaired > users. Thanks for your input. > -- Ari (pronounced like 'awry', not 'airy', since I have yet to see a > text-to-speech synthesizer get it right) > > > Visit me at http://www.mhonline.net/~chuckh Yahoo Messenger ID: hallenbeck2002 Q: Do you know what the death rate around here is? A: One per person.