Hello. Basically, for those who do not want to read, this is a speech synthesizer in Java. Could this work with Speakup? >Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 6:01 PM >Subject: FWD: Sun Microsystems Laboratories releases an open source >speech synthesizer > > >Greetings, > >Attached is an announcement from my colleague Willie Walker of the Sun >Labs >Speech Group of the availability of FreeTTS, a speech synthesis engine >written in the Java(tm) programming language and released under a >BSD-style >license. > >Regards, > >Peter Korn >Sun Accessibility team > > >-------- Original Message -------- >From: Willie Walker <william.walker at sun.com> >Subject: Sun Microsystems Laboratories releases an open source speech >synthesizer > >Greetings! > >It is my pleasure to announce that the Sun Microsystems Laboratories >Speech Group has made its FreeTTS (http://freetts.sourceforge.net/) >speech synthesis engine available via open source through a BSD-style >license. The engine is written entirely in the Java(tm) programming >language and provides partial support for the synthesis portion >of the Java Speech API 1.0 specification. > >You can read more about this project in an article on >http://java.sun.com: > > http://java.sun.com/features/2001/12/flite.html > >An excerpt from the article is as follows: > > "Researchers from Sun Microsystems Laboratories in Burlington, > Massachusetts have created an open source speech synthesis engine > written entirely in the Java(tm) programming language. This > high-performance software converts text to speech. You type it; > your workstation speaks it. And the whole world benefits. > > Willie Walker, Paul Lamere, and Philip Kwok combined the Festival > Speech Synthesis System, with its robust architecture, and the Flite > engine, with its succinct algorithms, to create FreeTTS, a >synthesizer > that delivers both power and flexibility. > > The team ported Flite, programmed in C, and Festival, written in C++ > and Scheme, to the Java programming language. FreeTTS generated > intelligible speech four weeks after researchers wrote the first line > of code. But even with such a short development time, the team did >not > compromise results. FreeTTS outperforms both original applications, > executing nearly four times faster than Flite in some environments." > >For the Sun Labs Speech Group, > >Willie Walker, >Manager and Principal Investigator