That would be nice. However, the problem is that the source code for all Unix systems is not freely available. The binaries for such an OS also cost a bundle of money. Greg On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 11:56:53PM +1000, Shaun Oliver wrote: > Ok here's a curley one for yall to try and explain to me. > What is Suse? Is it an open source os like linux? > If so, do you think I'd be able to patch it with speakup? > I'm gonna try whatever is accessable some how or other. > personally, I'd like to see speakup able to be compatable with most or if we had the people to do it, all unix based systems. > Thanks for your help in advance. > Shaun.. > Oh. by the way, I'm gonna reinstall linux as I screwed up a kernel build and decided to start all over again. > ah well, It won't be the last time I screw up, otherwise I won't learn will I? > Shaun..