One thing I've experienced with the \\servername issue is to always include the share name. At least from other linux boxes and smbclient, I had to include the share name to avoid errors. I've never done that from the windows start/run command. I always used network neighborhood or an explicit path when I knew things were working. -----Original Message----- From: Kirk Wood [mailto:cpt.kirk@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 9:10 AM To: 'speakup at' Subject: RE: samba help Also, are what steps are you taking? Are you clickins Start, Run and typping "\\servername" or are you trying the network neighborhood. If you aren't using the first method, what happens whn you try it? ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at Nothing is hard if you know the answer or are used to doing it. _______________________________________________ Speakup mailing list Speakup at