The World Blind Union quadrennial convention is scheduled to take place in Melbourne, Australia this coming November. Yours truly is attending. I would love the opportunity to meet any of my Aussie friends during my brief, 6 night, sojourn down under Far more iumportantly, however, I would also love it if any of you would be interested in trying to get some kind of linux demo going at this conference. I think it would be particularly valuable given the low costs involved with linux, brltty, Speakup, and Emacspeak. I think low cost information access would be of interest to the many WBU attendees especially from more economically disadvantaged countries. Certainly, it is high time that blind people's opportunities under linux had some attention from the professional blindness community. I offer this suggestion with no knowledge whatsoever about whether it is still possible to get booth space in the demo area at WBU, or what that might cost. But, whatever those particulars, I know I could not undertake this alone because I'm there primarily to show DAISY and American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)'s imminent publications using DAISY. Anyone want to take this up with me? Janina Sajka, Director Technology Research and Development Governmental Relations Group American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) janina at (202) 408-8175 The invention of the printing press is often named as the crowning achievment of the past millenium. Yet, it's significance is about to be eclipsed. Read our White Paper: "Surpassing Gutenberg" available at: Are you a software developer? Make your applications accessible. Read to learn how.