Thanks, Frankie... The jury is still out on whether this baby can be recussitated. I have been able to squeeze a lot of performance out of a minimum system for too many years now, and I kind of hope it is hopeless! My first impulse was to give up "doing it myself" and buy it already done for me, but I am not going to do that after all. This old box of mine actually has a bunch of new components - an 8G hard drive, an AWE64 card, a fast CD (though it doesn't write) -- mostly it is short on the processor and memory side. Depending on the diagnosis it might make the most sense to keep the quality components and give it a new engine. I really did a number on my file system though, so it looks like I will finally ditch this Slackware 4.0 distro that I have been using. Thanks for your suggestions. Chuck.