Brent please, please RTFM before asking your questions. I am wondering, did you bother to go look on Just for the record, I really doubt that any satalite service requires a seperate dish for each show. That would reach qay beyond insane and stupid. It does confirm that once again you are asking for a solution to a problem that doesn't even really yet exist. One last thing is this frequency within the chanel bit. I have seen several satalite TV systems. Without exception all of them work just like a cable box or remote TV. You have a bunch of chanels and you select them via remote. Considering that these products are being marketed to truely stupid people you should be able to figure something out. If a person who can't set the clock on a VCR can use a satalite dish, you should be able to figure it out. If you can't, I really doubt a computer will do anything beyond making a simple thing complicated. Fianlly, write somethign yourself. You can buy the parts you need from No, I won't give any details. Figure something out yourself. ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at