Hi, listers nad particularly Bill, creator of RedHat6.1 boot images! Bill, can you please help me with these images? I tried everything I could possibly think of. Below is the syslinux.cfg in a way I left it alone. As per one of the lister's suggestion, I attempted to first activate serial port and then have vmlinuz with Speakup attempt to speak. But nothing comes out of it. I would appreciate your help. Vic default linux serial=1,9600N8 prompt 1 timeout 600 display boot.msg F1 boot.msg F2 general.msg F3 expert.msg F4 kickit.msg F5 param.msg F7 snake.msg label linux kernel vmlinuz append initrd=initrd.img local label text kernel vmlinuz append="console=ttyS0" append initrd=initrd.img local text label rescue kernel vmlinuz append rescue label expert kernel vmlinuz append expert initrd=initrd.img local label ks kernel vmlinuz append ks initrd=initrd.img local