Hi: Actually, you can get it to play pls files from the website, though I haven't tested it thoroughly. You need to have the pls extention in mime.types as follows: audio/scpls pls Then as long as you have a corrisponding entry in mailcap, it should work. Here's my mailcap entry: audio/scpls; freeamp %s You'll probably want to do the same with audio/x-scpls. Wh;y there are 2 types is beyond me. Probably the best way to deal with this is to get the mailcapstuff.tar.gz file from ftp.braille.uwo.ca. I think it's in /pub/linux/goodies but I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Just unpack it into your home directory. This will place two files there, .mime.types and .mailcap which will compliment the equivalents in /etc. Geoff.