Chuck, I would not go with a AWE64 card. While the card is good, there are some caveats. First is that there are two versions of this card using different chip sets. Only one of those sets works with Linux. But also, the card is about the last of the line that doesn't support multiple audio streams simultaneously. For less money you can get a PCI card that will support multiple streams. As an example I have an Aureal card that is available for $17. It supports several audio streams at the same time (allows a wave file to play while say Real Audio is playing). There are also drivers available. Right now the drivers aren't open source, but the company has pledged to release them to open source in the future. There are other cards as well. The one mentioned is just one that I know about and sounds good to me. Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at ------------------ Your fly might be open (but don't check it just now).