--=====================_3481167==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed Hi all, Len Kasday here. Hello. Lets not give up on handwriting. Here's a couple of approaches. The first approach is to use the simplified system of writing used in Palm PDA's, called Grafitti.. at least the type of simplified handwriting used in the Palm Pilot. To make a long story short, I can writing the alphabet on my Palm with my eyes shut, either using the stylus or the back of my fingernail. True, I learned to write on it with my eyes open (I'm sighted) but I expect that we could figure out a tactile aid for folks who are blind. The key is that the letters in Grafitti are all written in a simplified system. Each letter is a single stroke. For example, the A is written as an upper case A without the crosspiece, so it looks like an upside down V. Furthermore, it doesn't have to be an upside down V exactly. The top doesn't have to be pointed. It can be an upside down U, or a half a circle with the tips pointing down, etc. There may be a similar open source thing for Linux. Or, maybe we could use a Palm or one of the Palm clones. An advantage is that they are available with monochrome screens which are much less battery drain than a color screen. The ones from Handspring (http://www.handspring.com) have provision for plugin cards and there's probably some audio options (I can't tell because I can't get onto their site now. Big question is what it would take to add speech to the OS. Now here's a second way... which actually is very similar to grafitti. It combines the dot approach with the handwriting approach. The idea is that instead of jabbing at dots, all characters are entered by sliding the finger over a series of dots without taking the finger off the pad. I think this may be faster that jabbing individual dots, at least once you learned the dot patterns, because you're just sliding your finger around instead of lifting it up and down. Furthermore, the paths your finger traces could be mnemonically related to written characters which would make it easier for people who don't know braille. (like I said, very similar to Graffiti in philosophy). Here's the pattern I was thinking of. I've attached a .gif file to accommodate any sighted folks who might read this. There are 6 dots equally spaced around a circle, starting at the top. In other words, they are spaced 60 degrees apart. There is also a dot in the center. Starting at the top and going clockwise around the circle the dots are named as follows. Top Upper Right Lower Right Bottom Lower Left Upper Left Plus the one in the center To help guide the fingers there's a raise circle around the outer dots, plus an ellipse joining the top 3 dots of the circle and the center, plus an ellipse joining the bottom three dots of the circle and the center. Also a vertical line down the center. Here's how the letters are from A to Z. They have some resemblance to the Graffiti alphabet used in the Palm Pilot. A Like a curvey upper case A without the crossbar. Starting lower left, clockwise around circle, ending at lower left, In other words. B Like a Beta. Starting Bottom, up to top, over to upper right, in to center, out to lower right, end at bottom at bottom. C Pretty much a C. Upper right curving counterclockwise around circle to lower right. D. An upper case D. Bottom to top clockwise around circle back to bottom. E. Like an Epsilon. Bottom, clockwise around circle to lower left, to center, out to upper left, curve around to top. Optionally, user can start at lower right and end at upper right. F. Like an upper case F without the crosspiece. Bottom up to top to upper right G Top or upper left counterclockwise around circle to lower right and then to center H like a lower case h. Top to bottom then up to middle to lower right I like an upper case I. Top to bottom. J. An upper case J. Top to bottom to lower left K. Just the right part of the K. Upper right to center to lower right L. A backwards J. Top to bottom to lower right M. Like a lower case M. Lower left to upper left to center to upper right to lower right. N. Like upper case N. Lower left to upper left through center to lower right to upper right O. A circle. Start at bottom go completely around circle. P. An upper case P. Bottom to top to upper right to center Q. Just like an O but after you reach the bottom go back to lower left R. Like a P but after reaching center to to lower right S. An upper case S. Upper right counterclockwise to upper left through center to lower right, clockwise to lower left T. Kind of an upper case T with right part of top bar missing. Upper left to top and down to bottom. U. An upper case U. Upper left counterclockwise through bottom to upper right. V. Same as U but start at upper right and go clockwise through bottom to upper left W. Lower case W. Upper left counterclockwise to bottom, up to center, back to bottom, counterclockwise to lower right X. An upper case X with the left tips joined. Upper left through center to lower right, to upper right, though center to lower left. Y. An upper case Y. Upper left to center, to bottom and back to center, then to upper right Z. Like an upper case Z with curved top and bottom. An exercise for the reader <grin> And now to figure out the numbers... Well, I'll stop here for now. After all, like I said, this may not be necessary if we use Grafitti. Or alternately, this could be used as a training aid for Grafitti. The question is: what's fastest for a person who's blind? Also, we don't have to limit ourselves to a single system. We could people the option of one of the systems I describe here or Braille. Different folks may prefer different methods. Len --=====================_3481167==_ Content-Type: image/gif; name="pattern7.gif"; x-mac-type="47494666"; x-mac-creator="4A565752" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pattern7.gif" R0lGODlhGAEYAff/AAAAAIAAAACAAICAAAAAgIAAgACAgICAgAoKChQUFB4eHigoKDIyMjw8PEZG RlBQUFpaWmRkZG5ubnh4eIKCgoyMjJaWlqCgoKqqqrS0tL6+vsjIyNLS0tzc3Obm5vDw8DMzMzMz ZjMzmTMzzDMz/zMzMjNmMzNmZjNmmTNmzDNm/zNmMjOZMzOZZjOZmTOZzDOZ/zOZMjPMMzPMZjPM mTPMzDPM/zPMMjP/MzP/ZjP/mTP/zDP//zP/MjMyMzMyZjMymTMyzDMy/zMyMmYzM2YzZmYzmWYz zGYz/2YzMmZmM2ZmZmZmmWZmzGZm/2ZmMmaZM2aZZmaZmWaZzGaZ/2aZMmbMM2bMZmbMmWbMzGbM /2bMMmb/M2b/Zmb/mWb/zGb//2b/MmYyM2YyZmYymWYyzGYy/2YyMpkzM5kzZpkzmZkzzJkz/5kz MplmM5lmZplmmZlmzJlm/5lmMpmZM5mZZpmZmZmZzJmZ/5mZMpnMM5nMZpnMmZnMzJnM/5nMMpn/ M5n/Zpn/mZn/zJn//5n/MpkyM5kyZpkymZkyzJky/5kyMswzM8wzZswzmcwzzMwz/8wzMsxmM8xm ZsxmmcxmzMxm/8xmMsyZM8yZZsyZmcyZzMyZ/8yZMszMM8zMZszMmczMzMzM/8zMMsz/M8z/Zsz/ mcz/zMz//8z/MswyM8wyZswymcwyzMwy/8wyMv8zM/8zZv8zmf8zzP8z//8zMv9mM/9mZv9mmf9m zP9m//9mMv+ZM/+ZZv+Zmf+ZzP+Z//+ZMv/MM//MZv/Mmf/MzP/M///MMv//M///Zv//mf//zP// ////Mv8yM/8yZv8ymf8yzP8y//8yMjIzMzIzZjIzmTIzzDIz/zIzMjJmMzJmZjJmmTJmzDJm/zJm MjKZMzKZZjKZmTKZzDKZ/zKZMjLMMzLMZjLMmTLMzDLM/zLMMjL/MzL/ZjL/mTL/zDL//zL/MjIy MzIyZjIymTIyzDIy/zIyMsDAwP8AAAD/AP//AAAA//8A/wD//////ywAAAAAGAEYAUAI/wD/CRxI sKDBgwgTKlzIsKHDhxAjSpxIsaLFixgzatzIsaPHjyBDihxJsqTJkyhTqlzJsqXLlzBjypxJs6bN mwAAGMzJU6fAnjxvCh1K9GXOokiTKl3KtKnTlECjSn1KtarIfFizat2a76DUr0AJch2b1apZpmSx gtzaMa3as0uPFpQr96fPuv/oRrV7MC1KtiTdYsTLF25csD5ZAk6JFXHihl8HTrUbVnJPy0oJE6yM mKHjyysXo/wc1LBphIu5thR9UvU/1grrli6MV+/mu49PZ4RdcKxJ3m1do9aqWzfwh27LTsx5fGHy txSbF0dLfORzraQBJGdcfbpZ6X39av+MXFGwRfDelfL27bC25ofvN7JXiD495NyKxVMkT1n2Y70A +idfdwLVZ999e/XnXmKz5QWag3NlFxqBKkml3IGnZYdfSQZyRBp8GzqIG26U0cbgiDTFN5mAa5ln HYUvdojhjAU+t5F22IUYHVkgEdagZyHGR6NL142lIU9FzjdabqX5x9l/I+o4ZFOfTWnllVhmqeWW XGbIpG2YQViYmCaGSWaXaKap5ppstunmm3DGKeecdNZp55145qnnnnz26eefRXUG6KAe+QjlmGcS quiijJYkaKODFnlkTy5CauV2+1Ga44MO2WjpQprZ1uBRP4p4W6I18hgjdB5h+qmCh47/qlOpsvam ZGswXqVqpjuRGKZ7sPqKlJAJXSblbR9OeOGSyV6k4rFWPevViSA6tlquv+VjIUShCmuqqE1yuuZ6 Mu6GbYsw1tftrFCyi6iTbXaoX3DLajSvc+e+2lC5nSa51Wf+CscRv/q+li9ySYLa7ED+tnpwwQmB t+tHBDM08b4PQ0xfdwK3J+WKh5IJMkYdM5wxl9L+6i6pUYY7HFBdEXkyxRzPrDFCk6pUsUULK4zy x05OZm+lgdk8IFgRPYtiiUybKiaxK/Hn9LtQX+QpzfVibfTN+bnqsYQYXy2S0GWqfCqqXIdH1qQ4 Es1UgmnHLffcdHP7ZYRBw80py0vX/22f1P3h3fTe1CLq9+GIJ6744ow37vjjkEcu+eSUV2755Zhn rvnmnHfu+edaVg16l4aeDezoB647G9mooyl667DHLvudYM9+2tpstx2z7UQFrG3uCfOerdcKH2mx 2MJPRHxFSG4K7cZu69vttRfTy+qA91o6vdPhLs1iqQZXj+71Dme/HH6vpyer9wAy7TKq4q+6e9G3 SrS90GRXJmL6QqVsf1RZw1UA5fc78PksQlRLINr4N6Se/WVr46lSRvxXHAayCEgOHB75HFU7PSkN NBcsngR1BsEJjlCE+qsaBQ+jtwcF7XgFBKDMBkg/8+GMP+3j3veepyXWlEyD8wPi/P/UdTcTsc90 PMTSceqnKxpab4A7mxbc9FSf+GFvg0P7oUGi+Cp+Ra88JdyiDaGHxcNx0WRFEuG/YHidLJaxbmcM W3KyEzz5OS6OYvFdVujYsCa+kW4Va+P/HoWv5e3IiXA82RiFssiIhbFgzWHiDQ3oSOUkMSKSVNsf /eZDLd4QhZbZy5NWJ65+RfKRM2Kg1mJGsFCZ6WxlW+AlyRjEVG2SdDpKELyMmLc8ZnJKqcHj34IU MpZBCEwI7BXSunbLkLBFmK/KGXcQGRJrWU6aD6TmRzL4yWKRMpRmqpUqezRL1mUKLNp8Ikus6bFu lsmYAXrfTPyHzHGy8ZfqnGY6vTn/RXGR8kshmycxfRXC8jWSZKhEGDQphzw31vKKCVWm/tCWTK9A SpDnXOYhrWhCwYlMl1OZqKX6KEUNiZGkHESW2VYaS0BKalIBOwwsPec8gC00eSkSKU53ytOe+pRz Go1N4X6amfzl8ILdcx8yiTqS+x11qEn96CuZStWqWvWqWM2qVrfK1a569atgDatYx0rWspr1rGhN q1rXyta2uvWtcI2rXOdK17ra9a54zateB2nOvZ7kPYSbml8HA1Cl9m2wzCtiS+2J2KlGNaqN5ZVE T0XJyG5zlpbNrGY3y9meTrGzN2InaHlm0tEqtDEwNe1Jccc2fOLVX7nTHUffqkfU/7Y2pm5No1DZ NpyGitWQKOTmamdrVd/ajTk1VZ5xmQpc5v0Ls5ok7qK2x0xPInSfp3UtoairT+uaC7sQaa6inJrC frqwlF/M5/i02yenIhGJT+qtdwcW0UKy94AzxZJ7Wfq0DWnmoOolICrdK851URa6UMFfCydaXlvN d5XZfLA3e2XYCktVsFVZ4XGRC16IdjeM+11sy5YaLWKeb1vUaya9gopBleqQfUek6M9E2911nhCD BY6Vgafqug5G+KEkKa2zTOwdC36WnzcWoIo95GM8EeuffcVbkoEYtSbTjsj95fEkp8yh+vKVxUgO LH538pQPyjN9wq0hkDkI5gm7uP+d0yrzQGOZvhhGmcrV7ZChhAUyUZYyUEYNKIY1aaE1d7nDDrWl oaX8o6U62lvxEs1NTblkDyt60a/85pkebTg2wUbCAT50vYjo0bxxen9uAs59Ey3Eh0LzdHw65aSj K2oaLvTIeELPqsGI6PDOd9aAMpB0eV3p7KYT2H+SUXqJjWlfD1vRkAvkstsTRfHS8nFn1O3XlI1R Zt/Ry5eu4wlr2+zsfrvXxp4jaXznx3KnDdnD5Qofn21pxs1aj/O2dr0Xh0dyI8sxtV3vuYvtYH3/ G3Dxpvc9B+7ugu9aori278NpzfB0ozvMCHY4weDdJ11PnNINt7hEOB7rg33c2QT/TzfKQ861JUoY 4ddm7D2bSfKSZ+2+rnzzMbu3S76oEp81t/n1QN1pWOYwy2M6unLzFXShs5JfTwbpe4NV9JGT6+I0 krlDT74gpSpwlyRmdhCJnqWoI/XsOvblyUO5YwVOrVZbVzvL9TtnHXr9wuBTuEHnzurwpfxKFATX zqlO0TYrme+JJnvo6v5PcN5ddYZXM5FgBu7UBbqwTcv8nrlsRxsX+prGq3GVIx9numHz8KMn5Jjl JuQfp570FYU4n3cI5Yx3RJXGIizAlfV30tJYqO7MMjxHDGmYGFnLGW1e5Rf++ogHf6aCN6YsayKk Ud55o4o/z/LDdv0tn5dwJ2pX/0GNP1AQDvWJ2V9679W//jRp+MKrXDvID99+9ytY06her/wlXuv6 Y265VrN9cud/mwOA2Kd/BHhw5wUkzxdsBugxz2V7aLR/bjZ1JQIu8XRRBldSqidHAOZ7LWRhmqZ1 daJtwdWBGjdtoeV4IvZ1Epgn/rY/+aZHCVZRT+UtYddysAVT7GZjyrRp0gdrlaUx13Fb3ZYUMGc5 rLVuHwhafKRaIOh8UDiFVFiFVniFWJiFapWEFiUZWFg6DFh1pgWGsBIsPGdqUuhWGnU6Z2eB4ydX IYZ08CeHbxhXQbVg7BJPUHV+WtiHfviHgBiIgjiIhFiIhniIiJiIiriIjNiIjgr4iJAYiZJIVQEB ACH/C0xWaWV3UHJvMjAwADs= --=====================_3481167==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed ------- Leonard R. Kasday, Ph.D. Institute on Disabilities/UAP, and Department of Electrical Engineering Temple University 423 Ritter Annex, Philadelphia, PA 19122 kasday at acm.org http://astro.temple.edu/~kasday (215) 204-2247 (voice) (800) 750-7428 (TTY) --=====================_3481167==_-- -- Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV | Friday whistle, how did I make it? Email: davros at ycardz.com | If I had my way, I'd run out naked! Phone: (972) 889-8147 | Banging pub doors, hey! Let me in! Voice mail: (877) 791-5298 | Gimme my blue jeans again.