Actually, I've been jazzed about PDA's for a while, but well you know how it is. ... Anyway, the more I think about it, and Kirk (Wood) and I and I have been talking a bit more. ... While jabbing with a stylus might be something we might try and implement on something that already exists--assuming we can work out a speech solution--just for ease and speed of use, doing control characters, extra characters, whatever, a braille keyboard (8-dot braille, I'm guessing) would probably be a better long-term solution. Thoughts? -- Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV | Friday whistle, how did I make it? Email: davros at | If I had my way, I'd run out naked! Phone: (972) 889-8147 | Banging pub doors, hey! Let me in! Voice mail: (877) 791-5298 | Gimme my blue jeans again.