Speaking of pagers and stuff, I hate it when reading a file in less that I have to hit enter through every line, how do I fix that? It reads the first screen full or so, then I have to keep hitting enter for every line, I hate that when I'm trying to read howtos that have a ton of info before the real command to enter. *********** REPLY SEPARATOR *********** On 6/27/00 at 12:20 PM Janina Sajka wrote: >Since we've been on the subject of audio attachments in Pine, I thought >I'd bring up my pet peave in Pine. > >I hate the way Pine's pager retains two lines of text from screen to >screen. I know this provides context for sighted users, but I'm not one of >those and for me it's an annoyance. > >I suppose I could fix this somewhere in the source? Or is this not >actually Pine but more or something like that? > > >-- > > Janina Sajka, Director > Information Systems Research & Development > American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) > >janina at afb.net > > > >_______________________________________________ >Speakup mailing list >Speakup at braille.uwo.ca >http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup