Janina - I think you missed my shriek of success... upgrading my Pine from 4.10 to 4.21 solved the problem for me. The files are now coming back to me identified as they should be. I will include my .mailcap file below. It began its life as a copy of Kirk's "mailcapstuff.zip" on the speakup goodies directory, but I have modified it some. In particular I created a script called 'getstream' which accepts a .pls or a .m3u file, extracts from it the first URL found there, and passes that URL along to Matt Campbell's 'trplayer' program. The script uses 'sed' to do the dirty work and makes trplayer work a lot more like freeamp, which I never could get working on this system... Any way, here is my .mailcap file: -------------- audio/x-wav; aplay %s audio/basic; aplay %s audio/x-pn-realaudio; trplayer %s audio/mpeg; mpg123 %s audio/mpegurl; getstream %s audio/x-mpegurl; getstream %s audio/scpls; getstream %s audio/x-scpls; getstream %s ----------------- Hope that helps. Chuck. On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Janina Sajka wrote: > Hi, Charles: > > Thanks for the details about mailcap. Would you mind sharing yours--or at > least the relevant sections? I'm wondering about the appropriate syntax. > > As I said yesterday, I have mailed myself both a .wav and a .mp3 file via > a couple of my email accounts. Mine have arrived back properly > identified--when I select view in Pine 4.21, they file type is correctly > identified. > > So, I'm at a loss of what to suggest for you and why yours aren't coming > back properly tagged. My web site is http://www.mhonline.net/~chuckh You can bring any calculator you like to the midterm, as long as it doesn't dim the lights when you turn it on. -- Hepler, Systems Design 182