Hi Jason: When we talk about the reflector, we are discussing a speak freely reflector. Speak freely is a kind of internet phone package which allows folks to talk to other folks using speak freely. A reflector is kind of like a conference call line. A bunch of people can talk together at the same time. The speakup reflector lives at lwl.braille.uwo.ca:4074 and is basically where quite a number of speakup users hang out to help each other or just bull shit. There is almost no time of day when someone isn't listening on the reflector. To use it you need to get speak freely for Unix or Windows and install it and then connect. If you are using linux we have some scripts available which will start the various components of speak freely and attach automatically. You can get speak freely from either www.speakfreely.org or from the goodies directory on the speakup ftp site. Kirk -- Kirk Reiser The Computer Braille Facility e-mail: kirk at braille.uwo.ca University of Western Ontario phone: (519) 661-3061