On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Jacob Schmude wrote: > Hi > This is just a guess, but perhaps the libpthread library is only > available with libc6-based systems. I suspect this because on my slackware > system, the pthreads libraries are contained inside the package > "glibc". This holds the libc6 devel libraries. If this is the case, you'll > have to upgrade your slackware to version 7.0. Hi Jacob - I had been hoping to avoid that, but I may not be able to avoid it much longer! I have a pretty flexible partitioning scheme for this 8G drive, and will probably be able to tuck my configs and scripts aside without too much pain. My intuition tells me you are right, Jacob. A few days ago I obtained the freeamp binary for Slackware and it was unable to run because it could not find a shared library - it was "libstdc++libc6.1-1.so.2" -- which is why I went after the sources. Thanks for your suggestion. If nothing better comes up I may go for that big step. I am pretty happy with Slackware and am learning a lot from working with it, but now the moment of truth - upgrading probably means a whole new install. Chuck.