Hi Deenadayalan , As far as which is the best that is just a matter of opinion. I like Red Hat and have been taking a look at Slackware. For what you intend to use it for, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Red Hat. You can get more information at http://www.redhat.com You should go to their download page, and find the page related to mirror sights so you can find a faster connection. If you have the hardware to write CDs, it is easiest to download the iso images. One nice feature of Red Hat 6.2 is the improved serial console installation. Using another computer and a null modem, you can install Red Hat with speech without a problem. To do this you would boot from the floppy on your future Linux system, and at the boot prompt type: linux console=ttyS1 for your second serial port or ttyS0 for your 1st. Now you can switch to your talking DOS or Windows system and use a terminal program to finish the installation. They have made some major improvements with the serial console feature in the 6.2 release. As far as sources of information, there are a great many out there, many are dated, but in dealing with computers isn't that the norm? Try http://www.empowermentzone.com and do a key word search on the page for linux and unix. This is a great sight for reference material with a tremendous wealth of information on all sorts of topics. Unfortunately, the links are all on the same page so searches are necessary and you may sometimes miss something of interest. I believe the author tries to keep like content together on the page whenever possible, so after you get your first match go up and down from there for a bit to check out what is nearby. Good luck, Dave At 03:06 PM 4/3/00 +0200, you wrote: >Hi Listers, > >I am new to the list and would like to introduce myself. > >My name is Deenadayalan Moodley and I live in South Africa. I am a >programmer for the South African government. We, here at work are now >introducing Linux. It is my job to setup the Linux server. The problem is >I am totally blind and use speech and have no prior experience of Linux. > >My knowledge extends to MSDOS Windows 9x /nt. Therefore, I would like to >ask for help to be able to setup this server and become proficient in Linux. >We certainly don't have any one in this department that even saw how Linux >operates so that avenue is closed. > >So, my first question is: >1. Which is the best distribution of Linux to use with speech? >2. Where can it be obtained? >3. How do I use speech to access a Linux box to do the installation and >configuration? >4. Where can I find a good tutorial in text form to assist me in my >endeavors? > >Thanks for any help.