I speak as that of mostly an observer. I don't rely on the software so my voice is small. I would think that the first priority would be to finnish the feature set already underway. To bring the first version to near completion at least. I suspect taht the way for software speech is as an extension of the module based synths. Instead of using a module directly to hardware, use one to the software synth. My understanding could be wrong, but I think any module based system will start speech later then directly built into the kernel. Perhaps one could start with kernel code, and move to the use of modules dynamically. But I don't know. That might be the worst idea yet. It would seem a logging method is always better then relying on the speech stream. Then you can go back and look at the details. I know that logging sure beats relying on catching the fleeting glimpse of a message that schrolls by on the screen. As for the point Janine made about not wanting to hear all the boot messages, I think she has a good point. That is the reason M$ chose to no longer display boot info. Users got confused. Also there is a successful distribution that hides the same info (Corel) by design. Given a choice of being able to look at the info in a text file later, or having to catch it fly by I will choose the file. Even if the file meant that I gave up the catch it on the fly option. ======= Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at 1tree.net Cluelessness There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots