There are two uses for gifs as spacers. One is to replace the standard rule with a graphical one. This takes very little bandwidth and can add to the overall appearance of the page. I think it would be best to put in two quotes here. (But that is assuming the person is bothering to put in alt text.) Recently there have been some who uise a gif to eat up space on the page so that the text is made to look the way they want it. This is disgusting abuse of bandwidth. I class it along with those reprobate companies that make the first page a huge graphic that requires at least 800X600 resolution to display. They should have their web pages deleted and cattle prods taken to their ... (Well I guess I might be getting out of hand here, but probably not.) Really, part of the problem on the web today is too much emphasis on looks and not enough on content. The web is not print media, and many firms can't grasp that fact. Perhaps we could come up with a protocol for p[laces that make graphics that don't convey anything. It is one thing to show me a picture of someone. Or to give me a drawing or map. But to have a stupid logo blown to the size of my screen is bothersome. Maybe search engines could be modified to not list these sites since they don't have content. Kirk Wood Cpt.Kirk at ------------------ Why can't you be a non-conformist, like everybody else?