Re: [PATCH 2/2] clk: qcom: Add video clock controller driver for SDM845

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On 2018-05-03 00:17, Stephen Boyd wrote:
Quoting Nischal, Amit (2018-05-02 00:56:35)

Thanks for the review.
As of now, there are no resets defined for VIDEOCC. So I will move
the #reset-cells tooptional property in the dt-binding.
Same will be updated in the next patch series.
Please don't make it optional. It should be required in the binding,
because there are resets in the hardware. If you don't want to add them
into the driver, that's ok, but it isn't really that hard to add them so
why not add them?
There is no reset client for VideoCC so that's why we have not
added them in the driver file. However, I will make "#reset-cells"
as required property in the dt-binding.

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