On Mon, 2021-03-08 at 16:40 -0800, Dave Hansen wrote: > I got my hands on a NUC7CJYH, which is the first piece of functional > Flexible Launch Control hardware I've actually laid my hands on. > > I went looking for any "performance creep". I tried a very simple test: > Create and run an enclave that touches a 64MB statically-allocated > buffer. (The patch to the kernel selftest to do this is attached). > > tl;dr: I'm not seeing any meaningful change in runtimes, even after > running and tearing down the enclave for 6-7 hours. > > I'm running the selftest like this, creating a log file with /usr/bin/time: > > NOW=$(date +%s); make && while true; do /usr/bin/time ./test_sgx >> > $NOW.log 2>> $NOW.timelog || break; done > > This lets me do a quick and dirty histogram of the runtimes. Note that > there's a single, nice peak. It's not "smeared" like I would expect > from slowly-degrading run times. > > $ cat 1615229976.timelog | grep elapsed | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c > 4 2.08user > 14 2.09user > 106 2.10user > 403 2.11user > 1055 2.12user > 1518 2.13user > 1268 2.14user > 726 2.15user > 302 2.16user > 96 2.17user > 23 2.18user > 8 2.19user > 1 2.20user I think it would be a great enhancement for the self-test, if you could 1. Make the test program change attached. 2. Create a script for stress test and histogram. > > I'll run for another day or two and see if anything interesting shows > up. But, for now, nothing interesting is happening. Whatever folks are > seeing, it doesn't seem to be present on my little simple test case, or > this Atom-based hardware. > > The kernel is: stock 5.12.0-rc2. > The CPU is: Intel(R) Celeron(R) J4005 CPU @ 2.00GHz > /Jarkko