Dear Sir, I got a problem when set multi-homing to active/active. That mean, It is expected that our lksctp server have 2 IP to connect 2 IP of destination client with total 4 connections. The flow is that client send "INIT" message with 2 (primary and secondary) IP to our server and lksctp server return INIT_ACK. But when second client send 'heartbeat' to us, lksctp server cannot return ACK. Moreover, we already proved our connectivity correct because when our lksctp server send heartbeat to both destination client and they can return ACK. Would you mind sharing if lksctp lib already configure those multi-homing purpose. Best Regards, Andrew Tsoi -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-sctp" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at