Re: [PATCH][RFC 11/12/1/5] SCST core's README

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This patch contains SCST core's README.

Signed-off-by: Vladislav Bolkhovitin <vst@xxxxxxxx>
 README.scst | 1379 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1379 insertions(+)

diff -uprN orig/linux-2.6.33/Documentation/scst/README.scst linux-2.6.33/Documentation/scst/README.scst
--- orig/linux-2.6.33/Documentation/scst/README.scst
+++ linux-2.6.33/Documentation/scst/README.scst
@@ -0,0 +1,1379 @@
+Generic SCSI target mid-level for Linux (SCST)
+SCST is designed to provide unified, consistent interface between SCSI
+target drivers and Linux kernel and simplify target drivers development
+as much as possible. Detail description of SCST's features and internals
+could be found in "Generic SCSI Target Middle Level for Linux" document
+SCST's Internet page
+SCST supports the following I/O modes:
+ * Pass-through mode with one to many relationship, i.e. when multiple
+   initiators can connect to the exported pass-through devices, for
+   the following SCSI devices types: disks (type 0), tapes (type 1),
+   processors (type 3), CDROMs (type 5), MO disks (type 7), medium
+   changers (type 8) and RAID controllers (type 0xC)
+ * FILEIO mode, which allows to use files on file systems or block
+   devices as virtual remotely available SCSI disks or CDROMs with
+   benefits of the Linux page cache
+ * BLOCKIO mode, which performs direct block IO with a block device,
+   bypassing page-cache for all operations. This mode works ideally with
+   high-end storage HBAs and for applications that either do not need
+   caching between application and disk or need the large block
+   throughput
+ * User space mode using scst_user device handler, which allows to
+   implement in the user space virtual SCSI devices in the SCST
+   environment
+ * "Performance" device handlers, which provide in pseudo pass-through
+   mode a way for direct performance measurements without overhead of
+   actual data transferring from/to underlying SCSI device
+In addition, SCST supports advanced per-initiator access and devices
+visibility management, so different initiators could see different set
+of devices with different access permissions. See below for details.
+To see your devices remotely, you need to add them to at least "Default"
+security group (see below how). By default, no local devices are seen
+remotely. There must be LUN 0 in each security group, i.e. LUs
+numeration must not start from, e.g., 1. Otherwise you will see no
+devices on remote initiators and SCST core will write into the kernel
+log message: "tgt_dev for LUN 0 not found, command to unexisting LU?"
+It is highly recommended to use scstadmin utility for configuring
+devices and security groups.
+If you experience problems during modules load or running, check your
+kernel logs (or run dmesg command for the few most recent messages).
+IMPORTANT: Without loading appropriate device handler, corresponding devices
+=========  will be invisible for remote initiators, which could lead to holes
+           in the LUN addressing, so automatic device scanning by remote SCSI
+           mid-level could not notice the devices. Therefore you will have
+	   to add them manually via
+	   'echo "- - -" >/sys/class/scsi_host/hostX/scan',
+	   where X - is the host number.
+IMPORTANT: Working of target and initiator on the same host is
+=========  supported, except the following 2 cases: swap over target exported
+           device and using a writable mmap over a file from target
+	   exported device. The latter means you can't mount a file
+	   system over target exported device. In other words, you can
+	   freely use any sg, sd, st, etc. devices imported from target
+	   on the same host, but you can't mount file systems or put
+	   swap on them. This is a limitation of Linux memory/cache
+	   manager, because in this case an OOM deadlock like: system
+	   needs some memory -> it decides to clear some cache -> cache
+	   needs to write on target exported device -> initiator sends
+	   request to the target -> target needs memory -> system needs
+	   even more memory -> deadlock.
+IMPORTANT: In the current version simultaneous access to local SCSI devices
+=========  via standard high-level SCSI drivers (sd, st, sg, etc.) and
+           SCST's target drivers is unsupported. Especially it is
+	   important for execution via sg and st commands that change
+	   the state of devices and their parameters, because that could
+	   lead to data corruption. If any such command is done, at
+	   least related device handler(s) must be restarted. For block
+	   devices READ/WRITE commands using direct disk handler look to
+	   be safe.
+IMPORTANT: Some versions of Windows have a bug, which makes them consider
+=========  response of READ CAPACITY(16) longer than 12 bytes as a faulty one.
+	   As the result, such Windows'es refuse to see SCST exported
+           devices >2TB in size. This is fixed by MS in latter Windows
+	   versions, probably, by some hotfix. But if you're using such
+	   buggy Windows and experience this problem, change in
+	   scst_vdisk.c::vdisk_exec_read_capacity16() "#if 1" to "#if 0".
+Usage in failover mode
+It is recommended to use TEST UNIT READY ("tur") command to check if
+SCST target is alive in MPIO configurations.
+Device handlers
+Device specific drivers (device handlers) are plugins for SCST, which
+help SCST to analyze incoming requests and determine parameters,
+specific to various types of devices. If an appropriate device handler
+for a SCSI device type isn't loaded, SCST doesn't know how to handle
+devices of this type, so they will be invisible for remote initiators
+(more precisely, "LUN not supported" sense code will be returned).
+In addition to device handlers for real devices, there are VDISK, user
+space and "performance" device handlers.
+VDISK device handler works over files on file systems and makes from
+them virtual remotely available SCSI disks or CDROM's. In addition, it
+allows to work directly over a block device, e.g. local IDE or SCSI disk
+or ever disk partition, where there is no file systems overhead. Using
+block devices comparing to sending SCSI commands directly to SCSI
+mid-level via scsi_do_req()/scsi_execute_async() has advantage that data
+are transferred via system cache, so it is possible to fully benefit from
+caching and read ahead performed by Linux's VM subsystem. The only
+disadvantage here that in the FILEIO mode there is superfluous data
+copying between the cache and SCST's buffers. This issue is going to be
+addressed in the next release. Virtual CDROM's are useful for remote
+installation. See below for details how to setup and use VDISK device
+SCST user space device handler provides an interface between SCST and
+the user space, which allows to create pure user space devices. The
+simplest example, where one would want it is if he/she wants to write a
+VTL. With scst_user he/she can write it purely in the user space. Or one
+would want it if he/she needs some sophisticated for kernel space
+processing of the passed data, like encrypting them or making snapshots.
+"Performance" device handlers for disks, MO disks and tapes in their
+exec() method skip (pretend to execute) all READ and WRITE operations
+and thus provide a way for direct link performance measurements without
+overhead of actual data transferring from/to underlying SCSI device.
+NOTE: Since "perf" device handlers on READ operations don't touch the
+====  commands' data buffer, it is returned to remote initiators as it
+      was allocated, without even being zeroed. Thus, "perf" device
+      handlers impose some security risk, so use them with caution.
+Compilation options
+There are the following compilation options, that could be change using
+your favorite kernel configuration Makefile target, e.g. "make xconfig":
+ - CONFIG_SCST_DEBUG - if defined, turns on some debugging code,
+   including some logging. Makes the driver considerably bigger and slower,
+   producing large amount of log data.
+ - CONFIG_SCST_TRACING - if defined, turns on ability to log events. Makes the
+   driver considerably bigger and leads to some performance loss.
+ - CONFIG_SCST_EXTRACHECKS - if defined, adds extra validity checks in
+   the various places.
+ - CONFIG_SCST_USE_EXPECTED_VALUES - if not defined (default), initiator
+   supplied expected data transfer length and direction will be used only for
+   verification purposes to return error or warn in case if one of them
+   is invalid. Instead, locally decoded from SCSI command values will be
+   used. This is necessary for security reasons, because otherwise a
+   faulty initiator can crash target by supplying invalid value in one
+   of those parameters. This is especially important in case of
+   pass-through mode. If CONFIG_SCST_USE_EXPECTED_VALUES is defined, initiator
+   supplied expected data transfer length and direction will override
+   the locally decoded values. This might be necessary if internal SCST
+   commands translation table doesn't contain SCSI command, which is
+   used in your environment. You can know that if you have messages like
+   "Unknown opcode XX for YY. Should you update scst_scsi_op_table?" in
+   your kernel log and your initiator returns an error. Also report
+   those messages in the SCST mailing list
+   scst-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Note, that not all SCSI transports
+   support supplying expected values.
+ - CONFIG_SCST_DEBUG_TM - if defined, turns on task management functions
+   debugging, when on LUN 6 some of the commands will be delayed for
+   about 60 sec., so making the remote initiator send TM functions, eg
+   ABORT TASK and TARGET RESET. Also define
+   CONFIG_SCST_TM_DBG_GO_OFFLINE symbol in the Makefile if you want that
+   the device eventually become completely unresponsive, or otherwise to
+   circle around ABORTs and RESETs code. Needs CONFIG_SCST_DEBUG turned
+   on.
+ - CONFIG_SCST_STRICT_SERIALIZING - if defined, makes SCST send all commands to
+   underlying SCSI device synchronously, one after one. This makes task
+   management more reliable, with cost of some performance penalty. This
+   is mostly actual for stateful SCSI devices like tapes, where the
+   result of command's execution depends from device's settings defined
+   by previous commands. Disk and RAID devices are stateless in the most
+   cases. The current SCSI core in Linux doesn't allow to abort all
+   commands reliably if they sent asynchronously to a stateful device.
+   Turned off by default, turn it on if you use stateful device(s) and
+   need as much error recovery reliability as possible. As a side effect
+   of CONFIG_SCST_STRICT_SERIALIZING, on kernels below 2.6.30 no kernel
+   patching is necessary for pass-through device handlers (scst_disk,
+   etc.).
+   allowed to submit pass-through commands to real SCSI devices via the SCSI
+   middle layer using scsi_execute_async() function from soft IRQ
+   context (tasklets). This used to be the default, but currently it
+   seems the SCSI middle layer starts expecting only thread context on
+   the IO submit path, so it is disabled now by default. Enabling it
+   will decrease amount of context switches and improve performance. It
+   is more or less safe, in the worst case, if in your configuration the
+   SCSI middle layer really doesn't expect SIRQ context in
+   scsi_execute_async() function, you will get a warning message in the
+   kernel log.
+ - CONFIG_SCST_STRICT_SECURITY - if defined, makes SCST zero allocated data
+   buffers. Undefining it (default) considerably improves performance
+   and eases CPU load, but could create a security hole (information
+   leakage), so enable it, if you have strict security requirements.
+   in case when TASK MANAGEMENT function ABORT TASK is trying to abort a
+   command, which has already finished, remote initiator, which sent the
+   ABORT TASK request, will receive TASK NOT EXIST (or ABORT FAILED)
+   response for the ABORT TASK request. This is more logical response,
+   since, because the command finished, attempt to abort it failed, but
+   some initiators, particularly VMware iSCSI initiator, consider TASK
+   NOT EXIST response as if the target got crazy and try to RESET it.
+   Then sometimes get crazy itself. So, this option is disabled by
+   default.
+ - CONFIG_SCST_MEASURE_LATENCY - if defined, provides in /sys/kernel/scst_tgt
+   and below statisctics about average commands processing latency. You
+   can clear already measured results by writing 0 in the corresponding
+   file. Note, you need a non-preemptible kernel to have correct
+   results.
+HIGHMEM kernel configurations are fully supported, but not recommended
+for performance reasons, except for scst_user, where they are not
+supported, because this module deals with user supplied memory on a
+zero-copy manner. If you need to use it, consider change VMSPLIT option
+or use 64-bit system configuration instead.
+For changing VMSPLIT option (CONFIG_VMSPLIT to be precise) you should in
+"make menuconfig" command set the following variables:
+ - General setup->Configure standard kernel features (for small systems): ON
+ - General setup->Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers: ON
+ - Processor type and features->High Memory Support: OFF
+ - Processor type and features->Memory split: according to amount of
+   memory you have. If it is less than 800MB, you may not touch this
+   option at all.
+Module parameters
+Module scst supports the following parameters:
+ - scst_threads - allows to set count of SCST's threads. By default it
+   is CPU count.
+ - scst_max_cmd_mem - sets maximum amount of memory in Mb allowed to be
+   consumed by the SCST commands for data buffers at any given time. By
+   default it is approximately TotalMem/4.
+SCST sysfs interface
+Root of SCST sysfs interface is /sys/kernel/scst_tgt. It has the
+following entries:
+ - devices - this is a root subdirectory for all SCST devices
+ - handlers - this is a root subdirectory for all SCST dev handlers
+ - sgv - this is a root subdirectory for all SCST SGV caches
+ - targets - this is a root subdirectory for all SCST targets
+ - setup_id - allows to read and write SCST setup ID. This ID can be
+   used in cases, when the same SCST configuration should be installed
+   on several targets, but exported from those targets devices should
+   have different IDs and SNs. For instance, VDISK dev handler uses this
+   ID to generate T10 vendor specific identifier and SN of the devices.
+ - threads - allows to read and set number of global SCST I/O threads.
+   Those threads used with async. dev handlers, for instance, vdisk
+ - trace_level - allows to enable and disable various tracing
+   facilities. See content of this file for help how to use it.
+ - version - read-only attribute, which allows to see version of
+   SCST and enabled optional features.
+Each SCST sysfs file (attribute) can contain in the last line mark
+"[key]". It is automatically added mark used to allow scstadmin to see
+which attributes it should save in the config file. You can ignore it.
+"Devices" subdirectory contains subdirectories for each SCST devices.
+Content of each device's subdirectory is dev handler specific. See
+documentation for your dev handlers for more info about it as well as
+SysfsRules file for more info about common to all dev handlers rules.
+Standard SCST dev handlers have at least the following common entries:
+ - exported - subdirectory containing links to all LUNs where this
+   device was exported.
+ - handler - if dev handler determined for this device, this link points
+   to it. The handler can be not set for pass-through devices.
+ - threads_num - shows and allows to set number of threads in this device's
+   threads pool. If 0 - no threads will be created, and global SCST
+   threads pool will be used. If <0 - creation of the threads pool is
+   prohibited.
+ - threads_pool_type - shows and allows to sets threads pool type.
+   Possible values: "per_initiator" and "shared". When the value is
+   "per_initiator" (default), each session from each initiator will use
+   separate dedicated pool of threads. When the value is "shared", all
+   sessions from all initiators will share the same per-device pool of
+   threads. Valid only if threads_num attribute >0.
+ - type - SCSI type of this device
+See below for more information about other entries of this subdirectory
+of the standard SCST dev handlers.
+"Handlers" subdirectory contains subdirectories for each SCST dev
+Content of each handler's subdirectory is dev handler specific. See
+documentation for your dev handlers for more info about it as well as
+SysfsRules file for more info about common to all dev handlers rules.
+Standard SCST dev handlers have at least the following common entries:
+ - mgmt - this entry allows to create virtual devices and their
+   attributes (for virtual devices dev handlers) or assign/unassign real
+   SCSI devices to/from this dev handler (for pass-through dev
+   handlers).
+ - pass_through - if exists, it contains 1 and this dev handler is a
+   pass-through dev handler.
+ - trace_level - allows to enable and disable various tracing
+   facilities. See content of this file for help how to use it.
+ - type - SCSI type of devices served by this dev handler.
+See below for more information about other entries of this subdirectory
+of the standard SCST dev handlers.
+"Sgv" subdirectory contains statistic information of SCST SGV caches. It
+has the following entries:
+ - None, one or more subdirectories for each existing SGV cache.
+ - global_stats - file containing global SGV caches statistics.
+Each SGV cache's subdirectory has the following item:
+ - stats - file containing statistics for this SGV caches.
+"Targets" subdirectory contains subdirectories for each SCST target.
+Content of each target's subdirectory is target specific. See
+documentation for your target for more info about it as well as
+SysfsRules file for more info about common to all targets rules.
+Every target should have at least the following entries:
+ - ini_groups - subdirectory, which contains and allows to define
+   initiator-oriented access control information, see below.
+ - luns - subdirectory, which contains list of available LUNs in the
+   target-oriented access control and allows to define it, see below.
+ - sessions - subdirectory containing connected to this target sessions.
+ - enabled - using this attribute you can enable or disable this target/
+   It allows to finish configuring it before it starts accepting new
+   connections. 0 by default.
+ - addr_method - used LUNs addressing method. Possible values:
+   "Peripheral" and "Flat". Most initiators work well with Peripheral
+   addressing method (default), but some (HP-UX, for instance) may
+   require Flat method. This attribute is also available in the
+   initiators security groups, so you can assign the addressing method
+   on per-initiator basis.
+ - io_grouping_type - defines how I/O from sessions to this target are
+   grouped together. This I/O grouping is very important for
+   performance. By setting this attribute in a right value, you can
+   considerably increase performance of your setup. This grouping is
+   performed only if you use CFQ I/O scheduler on the target and for
+   devices with threads_num >= 0 and, if threads_num > 0, with
+   threads_pool_type "per_initiator". Possible values:
+   "this_group_only", "never", "auto", or I/O group number >0. When the
+   value is "this_group_only" all I/O from all sessions in this target
+   will be grouped together. When the value is "never", I/O from
+   different sessions will not be grouped together, i.e. all sessions in
+   this target will have separate dedicated I/O groups. When the value
+   is "auto" (default), all I/O from initiators with the same name
+   (iSCSI initiator name, for instance) in all targets will be grouped
+   together with a separate dedicated I/O group for each initiator name.
+   For iSCSI this mode works well, but other transports usually use
+   different initiator names for different sessions, so using such
+   transports in MPIO configurations you should either use value
+   "this_group_only", or an explicit I/O group number. This attribute is
+   also available in the initiators security groups, so you can assign
+   the I/O grouping on per-initiator basis. See below for more info how
+   to use this attribute.
+ - rel_tgt_id - allows to read or write SCSI Relative Target Port
+   Identifier attribute. This identifier is used to identify SCSI Target
+   Ports by some SCSI commands, mainly by Persistent Reservations
+   commands. This identifier must be unique among all SCST targets, but
+   for convenience SCST allows disabled targets to have not unique
+   rel_tgt_id. In this case SCST will not allow to enable this target
+   until rel_tgt_id becomes unique. This attribute initialized unique by
+   SCST by default.
+A target driver may have also the following entries:
+ - "hw_target" - if the target driver supports both hardware and virtual
+    targets (for instance, an FC adapter supporting NPIV, which has
+    hardware targets for its physical ports as well as virtual NPIV
+    targets), this read only attribute for all hardware targets will
+    exist and contain value 1.
+Subdirectory "sessions" contains one subdirectory for each connected
+session with name equal to name of the connected initiator.
+Each session subdirectory contains the following entries:
+ - initiator_name - contains initiator name
+ - force_close - optional write-only attribute, which allows to force
+   close this session.
+ - active_commands - contains number of active, i.e. not yet or being
+   executed, SCSI commands in this session.
+ - commands - contains overall number of SCSI commands in this session.
+ - other target driver specific attributes and subdirectories.
+See below description of the VDISK's sysfs interface for samples.
+Access and devices visibility management (LUN masking) - sysfs interface
+Access and devices visibility management allows for an initiator or
+group of initiators to see different devices with different LUNs
+with necessary access permissions.
+SCST supports two modes of access control:
+1. Target-oriented. In this mode you define for each target a default
+set of LUNs, which are accessible to all initiators, connected to that
+target. This is a regular access control mode, which people usually mean
+thinking about access control in general. For instance, in IET this is
+the only supported mode.
+2. Initiator-oriented. In this mode you define which LUNs are accessible
+for each initiator. In this mode you should create for each set of one
+or more initiators, which should access to the same set of devices with
+the same LUNs, a separate security group, then add to it devices and
+names of allowed initiator(s).
+Both modes can be used simultaneously. In this case the
+initiator-oriented mode has higher priority, than the target-oriented,
+i.e. initiators are at first searched in all defined security groups for
+this target and, if none matches, the default target's set of LUNs is
+used. This set of LUNs might be empty, then the initiator will not see
+any LUNs from the target.
+You can at any time find out which set of LUNs each session is assigned
+to by looking where link
+points to.
+To configure the target-oriented access control SCST provides the
+following interface. Each target's sysfs subdirectory
+(/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/target_driver/target_name) has "luns"
+subdirectory. This subdirectory contains the list of already defined
+target-oriented access control LUNs for this target as well as file
+"mgmt". This file has the following commands, which you can send to it,
+for instance, using "echo" shell command. You can always get a small
+help about supported commands by looking inside this file. "Parameters"
+are one or more param_name=value pairs separated by ';'.
+ - "add H:C:I:L lun [parameters]" - adds a pass-through device with
+   host:channel:id:lun with LUN "lun". Optionally, the device could be
+   marked as read only by using parameter "read_only". The recommended
+   way to find out H:C:I:L numbers is use of lsscsi utility.
+ - "replace H:C:I:L lun [parameters]" - replaces by pass-through device
+   with host:channel:id:lun existing with LUN "lun" device with
+   generation of INQUIRY DATA HAS CHANGED Unit Attention. If the old
+   device doesn't exist, this command acts as the "add" command.
+   Optionally, the device could be marked as read only by using
+   parameter "read_only". The recommended way to find out H:C:I:L
+   numbers is use of lsscsi utility.
+ - "del H:C:I:L" - deletes a pass-through device with host:channel:id:lun
+   The recommended way to find out H:C:I:L numbers is use of lsscsi
+   utility.
+ - "add VNAME lun [parameters]" - adds a virtual device with name VNAME
+   with LUN "lun". Optionally, the device could be marked as read only
+   by using parameter "read_only".
+ - "replace VNAME lun [parameters]" - replaces by virtual device
+   with name VNAME existing with LUN "lun" device with generation of
+   INQUIRY DATA HAS CHANGED Unit Attention. If the old device doesn't
+   exist, this command acts as the "add" command. Optionally, the device
+   could be marked as read only by using parameter "read_only".
+ - "del VNAME" - deletes a virtual device with name VNAME.
+ - "clear" - clears the list of devices
+To configure the initiator-oriented access control SCST provides the
+following interface. Each target's sysfs subdirectory
+(/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/target_driver/target_name) has "ini_groups"
+subdirectory. This subdirectory contains the list of already defined
+security groups for this target as well as file "mgmt". This file has
+the following commands, which you can send to it, for instance, using
+"echo" shell command. You can always get a small help about supported
+commands by looking inside this file.
+ - "create GROUP_NAME" - creates a new security group.
+ - "del GROUP_NAME" - deletes a new security group.
+Each security group's subdirectory contains 2 subdirectories: initiators
+and luns.
+Each "initiators" subdirectory contains list of added to this groups
+initiator as well as as well as file "mgmt". This file has the following
+commands, which you can send to it, for instance, using "echo" shell
+command. You can always get a small help about supported commands by
+looking inside this file.
+ - "add INITIATOR_NAME" - adds initiator with name INITIATOR_NAME to the
+   group.
+ - "del INITIATOR_NAME" - deletes initiator with name INITIATOR_NAME
+   from the group.
+ - "move INITIATOR_NAME DEST_GROUP_NAME" moves initiator with name
+   INITIATOR_NAME from the current group to group with name
+ - "clear" - deletes all initiators from this group.
+For "add" and "del" commands INITIATOR_NAME can be a simple DOS-type
+patterns, containing '*' and '?' symbols. '*' means match all any
+symbols, '?' means match only any single symbol. For instance,
+"" will match "bl?h.*".
+Each "luns" subdirectory contains the list of already defined LUNs for
+this group as well as file "mgmt". Content of this file as well as list
+of available in it commands is fully identical to the "luns"
+subdirectory of the target-oriented access control.
+ - echo "create INI" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/ -
+   creates security group INI for target
+ - echo "add 2:0:1:0 11" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/ -
+   adds a pass-through device sitting on host 2, channel 0, ID 1, LUN 0
+   to group with name INI as LUN 11.
+ - echo "add disk1 0" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/ -
+   adds a virtual disk with name disk1 to group with name INI as LUN 0.
+ - echo "add 21:*:e0:?b:83:*" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/21:00:00:a0:8c:54:52:12/ini_groups/INI/initiators/mgmt -
+   adds a pattern to group with name INI to Fibre Channel target with
+   WWN 21:00:00:a0:8c:54:52:12, which matches WWNs of Fibre Channel
+   initiator ports.
+Consider you need to have an iSCSI target with name
+"", which should export
+virtual device "dev1" with LUN 0 and virtual device "dev2" with LUN 1,
+but initiator with name
+"" should see only
+virtual device "dev2" read only with LUN 0. To achieve that you should
+do the following commands:
+# echo "" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/mgmt
+# echo "add dev1 0" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
+# echo "add dev2 1" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
+# echo "create SPEC_INI" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
+# echo "add dev2 0 read_only=1" \
+	>/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
+# echo "" \
+	>/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/targets/iscsi/
+For Fibre Channel or SAS in the above example you should use target's
+and initiator ports WWNs instead of iSCSI names.
+It is highly recommended to use scstadmin utility instead of described
+in this section low level interface.
+There must be LUN 0 in each set of LUNs, i.e. LUs numeration must not
+start from, e.g., 1. Otherwise you will see no devices on remote
+initiators and SCST core will write into the kernel log message: "tgt_dev
+for LUN 0 not found, command to unexisting LU?"
+All the access control must be fully configured BEFORE the corresponding
+target is enabled! When you enable a target, it will immediately start
+accepting new connections, hence creating new sessions, and those new
+sessions will be assigned to security groups according to the
+*currently* configured access control settings. For instance, to
+the default target's set of LUNs, instead of "HOST004" group as you may
+need, because "HOST004" doesn't exist yet. So, one must configure all
+the security groups before new connections from the initiators are
+created, i.e. before the target enabled.
+VDISK device handler
+VDISK has 4 built-in dev handlers: vdisk_fileio, vdisk_blockio,
+vdisk_nullio and vcdrom. Roots of their sysfs interface are
+/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/handler_name, e.g. for vdisk_fileio:
+/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/vdisk_fileio. Each root has the following
+ - None, one or more links to devices with name equal to names
+   of the corresponding devices.
+ - trace_level - allows to enable and disable various tracing
+   facilities. See content of this file for help how to use it.
+ - mgmt - main management entry, which allows to add/delete VDISK
+   devices with the corresponding type.
+The "mgmt" file has the following commands, which you can send to it,
+for instance, using "echo" shell command. You can always get a small
+help about supported commands by looking inside this file. "Parameters"
+are one or more param_name=value pairs separated by ';'.
+ - echo "add_device device_name [parameters]" - adds a virtual device
+   with name device_name and specified parameters (see below)
+ - echo "del_device device_name" - deletes a virtual device with name
+   device_name.
+Handler vdisk_fileio provides FILEIO mode to create virtual devices.
+This mode uses as backend files and accesses to them using regular
+read()/write() file calls. This allows to use full power of Linux page
+cache. The following parameters possible for vdisk_fileio:
+ - filename - specifies path and file name of the backend file. The path
+   must be absolute.
+ - blocksize - specifies block size used by this virtual device. The
+   block size must be power of 2 and >= 512 bytes. Default is 512.
+ - write_through - disables write back caching. Note, this option
+   has sense only if you also *manually* disable write-back cache in
+   *all* your backstorage devices and make sure it's actually disabled,
+   since many devices are known to lie about this mode to get better
+   benchmark results. Default is 0.
+ - read_only - read only. Default is 0.
+ - o_direct - disables both read and write caching. This mode isn't
+   currently fully implemented, you should use user space fileio_tgt
+   program in O_DIRECT mode instead (see below).
+ - nv_cache - enables "non-volatile cache" mode. In this mode it is
+   assumed that the target has a GOOD UPS with ability to cleanly
+   shutdown target in case of power failure and it is software/hardware
+   bugs free, i.e. all data from the target's cache are guaranteed
+   sooner or later to go to the media. Hence all data synchronization
+   with media operations, like SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE, are ignored in order
+   to bring more performance. Also in this mode target reports to
+   initiators that the corresponding device has write-through cache to
+   disable all write-back cache workarounds used by initiators. Use with
+   extreme caution, since in this mode after a crash of the target
+   journaled file systems don't guarantee the consistency after journal
+   recovery, therefore manual fsck MUST be ran. Note, that since usually
+   the journal barrier protection (see "IMPORTANT" note below) turned
+   off, enabling NV_CACHE could change nothing from data protection
+   point of view, since no data synchronization with media operations
+   will go from the initiator. This option overrides "write_through"
+   option. Disabled by default.
+ - removable - with this flag set the device is reported to remote
+   initiators as removable.
+Handler vdisk_blockio provides BLOCKIO mode to create virtual devices.
+This mode performs direct block I/O with a block device, bypassing the
+page cache for all operations. This mode works ideally with high-end
+storage HBAs and for applications that either do not need caching
+between application and disk or need the large block throughput. See
+below for more info.
+The following parameters possible for vdisk_blockio: filename,
+blocksize, read_only, removable. See vdisk_fileio above for description
+of those parameters.
+Handler vdisk_nullio provides NULLIO mode to create virtual devices. In
+this mode no real I/O is done, but success returned to initiators.
+Intended to be used for performance measurements at the same way as
+"*_perf" handlers. The following parameters possible for vdisk_nullio:
+blocksize, read_only, removable. See vdisk_fileio above for description
+of those parameters.
+Handler vcdrom allows emulation of a virtual CDROM device using an ISO
+file as backend. It doesn't have any parameters.
+For example:
+echo "add_device disk1 filename=/disk1; blocksize=4096; nv_cache=1" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/vdisk_fileio/mgmt
+will create a FILEIO virtual device disk1 with backend file /disk1
+with block size 4K and NV_CACHE enabled.
+Each vdisk_fileio's device has the following attributes in
+ - filename - contains path and file name of the backend file.
+ - blocksize - contains block size used by this virtual device.
+ - write_through - contains status of write back caching of this virtual
+   device.
+ - read_only - contains read only status of this virtual device.
+ - o_direct - contains O_DIRECT status of this virtual device.
+ - nv_cache - contains NV_CACHE status of this virtual device.
+ - removable - contains removable status of this virtual device.
+ - size_mb - contains size of this virtual device in MB.
+ - t10_dev_id - contains and allows to set T10 vendor specific
+   identifier for Device Identification VPD page (0x83) of INQUIRY data.
+   By default VDISK handler always generates t10_dev_id for every new
+   created device at creation time based on the device name and
+   scst_vdisk_ID scst_vdisk.ko module parameter (see below).
+ - usn - contains the virtual device's serial number of INQUIRY data. It
+   is created at the device creation time based on the device name and
+   scst_vdisk_ID scst_vdisk.ko module parameter (see below).
+ - type - contains SCSI type of this virtual device.
+ - resync_size - write only attribute, which makes vdisk_fileio to
+   rescan size of the backend file. It is useful if you changed it, for
+   instance, if you resized it.
+For example:
+|-- blocksize
+|-- exported
+|   |-- export0 -> ../../../targets/iscsi/
+|   |-- export1 -> ../../../targets/iscsi/
+|   |-- export2 -> ../../../targets/iscsi/
+|   |-- export3 -> ../../../targets/iscsi/
+|   |-- export4 -> ../../../targets/iscsi/
+|-- filename
+|-- handler -> ../../handlers/vdisk_fileio
+|-- nv_cache
+|-- o_direct
+|-- read_only
+|-- removable
+|-- resync_size
+|-- size_mb
+|-- t10_dev_id
+|-- threads_num
+|-- threads_pool_type
+|-- type
+|-- usn
+`-- write_through
+Each vdisk_blockio's device has the following attributes in
+/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/devices/device_name: blocksize, filename,
+read_only, removable, resync_size, size_mb, t10_dev_id, threads_num,
+threads_pool_type, type, usn. See above description of those parameters.
+Each vdisk_nullio's device has the following attributes in
+/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/devices/device_name: blocksize, read_only,
+removable, size_mb, t10_dev_id, threads_num, threads_pool_type, type,
+usn. See above description of those parameters.
+Each vcdrom's device has the following attributes in
+/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/devices/device_name: filename,  size_mb,
+t10_dev_id, threads_num, threads_pool_type, type, usn. See above
+description of those parameters. Exception is filename attribute. For
+vcdrom it is writable. Writing to it allows to virtually insert or
+change virtual CD media in the virtual CDROM device. For example:
+ - echo "/image.iso" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/devices/cdrom/filename - will
+   insert file /image.iso as virtual media to the virtual CDROM cdrom.
+ - echo "" >/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/devices/cdrom/filename - will remove
+   "media" from the virtual CDROM cdrom.
+Additionally to the sysfs interface VDISK handler has module parameter
+"num_threads", which specifies count of I/O threads for each VDISK's
+device. If you have a workload, which tends to produce rather random
+accesses (e.g. DB-like), you should increase this count to a bigger
+value, like 32. If you have a rather sequential workload, you should
+decrease it to a lower value, like number of CPUs on the target or even
+1. Due to some limitations of Linux I/O subsystem, increasing number of
+I/O threads too much leads to sequential performance drop, especially
+with deadline scheduler, so decreasing it can improve sequential
+performance. The default provides a good compromise between random and
+sequential accesses.
+You shouldn't be afraid to have too many VDISK I/O threads if you have
+many VDISK devices. Kernel threads consume very little amount of
+resources (several KBs) and only necessary threads will be used by SCST,
+so the threads will not trash your system.
+CAUTION: If you partitioned/formatted your device with block size X, *NEVER*
+======== ever try to export and then mount it (even accidentally) with another
+         block size. Otherwise you can *instantly* damage it pretty
+	 badly as well as all your data on it. Messages on initiator
+	 like: "attempt to access beyond end of device" is the sign of
+	 such damage.
+	 Moreover, if you want to compare how well different block sizes
+	 other words, THE **WHOLE** DEVICE **MUST** HAVE ONLY **ZEROS**
+	 sizes isn't like switching between FILEIO and BLOCKIO, after
+	 changing block size all previously written with another block
+	 size data MUST BE ERASED. Otherwise you will have a full set of
+	 very weird behaviors, because blocks addressing will be
+	 changed, but initiators in most cases will not have a
+	 possibility to detect that old addresses written on the device
+	 in, e.g., partition table, don't refer anymore to what they are
+	 intended to refer.
+IMPORTANT: Some disk and partition table management utilities don't support
+=========  block sizes >512 bytes, therefore make sure that your favorite one
+           supports it. Currently only cfdisk is known to work only with
+	   512 bytes blocks, other utilities like fdisk on Linux or
+	   standard disk manager on Windows are proved to work well with
+	   non-512 bytes blocks. Note, if you export a disk file or
+	   device with some block size, different from one, with which
+	   it was already partitioned, you could get various weird
+	   things like utilities hang up or other unexpected behavior.
+	   Hence, to be sure, zero the exported file or device before
+	   the first access to it from the remote initiator with another
+	   block size. On Window initiator make sure you "Set Signature"
+	   in the disk manager on the imported from the target drive
+	   before doing any other partitioning on it. After you
+	   successfully mounted a file system over non-512 bytes block
+	   size device, the block size stops matter, any program will
+	   work with files on such file system.
+By default for performance reasons VDISK FILEIO devices use write back
+caching policy. This is generally safe for modern applications who
+prepared to work in the write back caching environments, so know when to
+flush cache to keep their data consistent and minimize damage caused in
+case of power/hardware/software failures by lost in the cache data.
+For instance, journaled file systems flush cache on each meta data
+update, so they survive power/hardware/software failures pretty well.
+Note, Linux IO subsystem guarantees it work reliably only using data
+protection barriers, which, for instance, for Ext3 turned off by default
+(see Some info about barriers from the
+XFS point of view could be found at
+ On Linux initiators for
+Ext3 and ReiserFS file systems the barrier protection could be turned on
+using "barrier=1" and "barrier=flush" mount options correspondingly. You
+can check if the barriers turn on or off by looking in /proc/mounts.
+Windows and, AFAIK, other UNIX'es don't need any special explicit
+options and do necessary barrier actions on write-back caching devices
+by default.
+But even in case of journaled file systems your unsaved cached data will
+still be lost in case of power/hardware/software failures, so you may
+need to supply your target server with a good UPS with possibility to
+gracefully shutdown your target on power shortage or disable write back
+caching using WRITE_THROUGH flag. Note, on some real-life workloads
+write through caching might perform better, than write back one with the
+barrier protection turned on. Also note that without barriers enabled
+(i.e. by default) Linux doesn't provide a guarantee that after
+sync()/fsync() all written data really hit permanent storage. They can
+be stored in the cache of your backstorage devices and, hence, lost on a
+power failure event. Thus, ever with write-through cache mode, you still
+either need to enable barriers on your backend file system on the target
+(for devices this is, indeed, impossible), or need a good UPS to protect
+yourself from not committed data loss.
+To limit this data loss you can use files in /proc/sys/vm to limit
+amount of unflushed data in the system cache.
+This module works best for these types of scenarios:
+1) Data that are not aligned to 4K sector boundaries and <4K block sizes
+are used, which is normally found in virtualization environments where
+operating systems start partitions on odd sectors (Windows and it's
+sector 63).
+2) Large block data transfers normally found in database loads/dumps and
+streaming media.
+3) Advanced relational database systems that perform their own caching
+which prefer or demand direct IO access and, because of the nature of
+their data access, can actually see worse performance with
+non-discriminate caching.
+4) Multiple layers of targets were the secondary and above layers need
+to have a consistent view of the primary targets in order to preserve
+data integrity which a page cache backed IO type might not provide
+Also it has an advantage over FILEIO that it doesn't copy data between
+the system cache and the commands data buffers, so it saves a
+considerable amount of CPU power and memory bandwidth.
+IMPORTANT: Since data in BLOCKIO and FILEIO modes are not consistent between
+=========  them, if you try to use a device in both those modes simultaneously,
+           you will almost instantly corrupt your data on that device.
+Pass-through mode
+In the pass-through mode (i.e. using the pass-through device handlers
+scst_disk, scst_tape, etc) SCSI commands, coming from remote initiators,
+are passed to local SCSI devices on target as is, without any
+In the SYSFS interface all real SCSI devices are listed in
+/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/devices in form host:channel:id:lun numbers, for
+instance 1:0:0:0. The recommended way to match those numbers to your
+devices is use of lsscsi utility.
+When a pass-through dev handler is loaded it assigns itself to all
+existing SCSI devices of its SCSI type. If you later want to unassign some
+SCSI device from it or assign it to another dev handler you can use the
+following interface.
+Each pass-through dev handler has in its root subdirectory
+/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/handler_name, e.g.
+/sys/kernel/scst_tgt/handlers/dev_disk, "mgmt" file. It allows the
+following commands. They can be sent to it using, e.g., echo command.
+ - "assign" - this command assigns SCSI device with
+host:channel:id:lun numbers to this dev handler.
+echo "assign 1:0:0:0" >mgmt
+will assign SCSI device 1:0:0:0 to this dev handler.
+ - "unassign" - this command unassigns SCSI device with
+host:channel:id:lun numbers from this dev handler.
+As usually, on read the "mgmt" file returns small help about available
+As any other hardware, the local SCSI hardware can not handle commands
+with amount of data and/or segments count in scatter-gather array bigger
+some values. Therefore, when using the pass-through mode you should note
+that values for maximum number of segments and maximum amount of
+transferred data for each SCSI command on devices on initiators can not
+be bigger, than corresponding values of the corresponding SCSI devices
+on the target. Otherwise you will see symptoms like small transfers work
+well, but large ones stall and messages like: "Unable to complete
+command due to SG IO count limitation" are printed in the kernel logs.
+You can't control from the user space limit of the scatter-gather
+segments, but for block devices usually it is sufficient if you set on
+the initiators /sys/block/DEVICE_NAME/queue/max_sectors_kb in the same
+or lower value as in /sys/block/DEVICE_NAME/queue/max_hw_sectors_kb for
+the corresponding devices on the target.
+For not-block devices SCSI commands are usually generated directly by
+applications, so, if you experience large transfers stalls, you should
+check documentation for your application how to limit the transfer
+Another way to solve this issue is to build SG entries with more than 1
+page each. See the following patch as an example:
+User space mode using scst_user dev handler
+User space program fileio_tgt uses interface of scst_user dev handler
+and allows to see how it works in various modes. Fileio_tgt provides
+mostly the same functionality as scst_vdisk handler with the most
+noticeable difference that it supports O_DIRECT mode. O_DIRECT mode is
+basically the same as BLOCKIO, but also supports files, so for some
+loads it could be significantly faster, than the regular FILEIO access.
+All the words about BLOCKIO from above apply to O_DIRECT as well. See
+fileio_tgt's README file for more details.
+SCST from the very beginning has been designed and implemented to
+provide the best possible performance. Since there is no "one fit all"
+the best performance configuration for different setups and loads, SCST
+provides extensive set of settings to allow to tune it for the best
+performance in each particular case. You don't have to necessary use
+those settings. If you don't, SCST will do very good job to autotune for
+you, so the resulting performance will, in average, be better
+(sometimes, much better) than with other SCSI targets. But in some cases
+you can by manual tuning improve it even more.
+Before doing any performance measurements note that performance results
+are very much dependent from your type of load, so it is crucial that
+you choose access mode (FILEIO, BLOCKIO, O_DIRECT, pass-through), which
+suits your needs the best.
+In order to get the maximum performance you should:
+1. For SCST:
+ - For pass-through devices enable
+2. For target drivers:
+3. For device handlers, including VDISK:
+IMPORTANT: Some of the above compilation options in the SCST SVN enabled
+=========  by default, i.e. the development version of SCST is optimized
+	   for development and bug hunting, not for performance. For it
+	   you can set the above options, except
+	   needed values by command "make debug2perf" performed in
+	   trunk/.
+4. Make sure you have io_grouping_type option set correctly, especially
+in the following cases:
+ - Several initiators share your target's backstorage. It can be a
+   shared LU using some cluster FS, like VMFS, as well as can be
+   different LUs located on the same backstorage (RAID array). For
+   instance, if you have 3 initiators and each of them using its own
+   dedicated FILEIO device file from the same RAID-6 array on the
+   target.
+   In this case for the best performance you should have
+   io_grouping_type option set in value "never" in all the LUNs' targets
+   and security groups.
+ - Your initiator connected to your target in MPIO mode. In this case for
+   the best performance you should:
+    * Either connect all the sessions from the initiator to a single
+      target or security group and have io_grouping_type option set in
+      value "this_group_only" in the target or security group,
+    * Or, if it isn't possible to connect all the sessions from the
+      initiator to a single target or security group, assign the same
+      numeric io_grouping_type value for each target/security group this
+      initiator connected to. The exact value itself doesn't matter,
+      important only that all the targets/security groups use the same
+      value.
+Don't forget, io_grouping_type makes sense only if you use CFQ I/O
+scheduler on the target and for devices with threads_num >= 0 and, if
+threads_num > 0, with threads_pool_type "per_initiator".
+You can check if in your setup io_grouping_type set correctly as well as
+if the "auto" io_grouping_type value works for you by tests like the
+ - For not MPIO case you can run single thread sequential reading, e.g.
+   using buffered dd, from one initiator, then run the same single
+   thread sequential reading from the second initiator in parallel. If
+   io_grouping_type is set correctly the aggregate throughput measured
+   on the target should only slightly decrease as well as all initiators
+   should have nearly equal share of it. If io_grouping_type is not set
+   correctly, the aggregate throughput and/or throughput on any
+   initiator will decrease significantly, in 2 times or even more. For
+   instance, you have 80MB/s single thread sequential reading from the
+   target on any initiator. When then both initiators are reading in
+   parallel you should see on the target aggregate throughput something
+   like 70-75MB/s with correct io_grouping_type and something like
+   35-40MB/s or 8-10MB/s on any initiator with incorrect.
+ - For the MPIO case it's quite easier. With incorrect io_grouping_type
+   you simply won't see performance increase from adding the second
+   session (assuming your hardware is capable to transfer data through
+   both sessions in parallel), or can even see a performance decrease.
+5. If you are going to use your target in an VM environment, for
+instance as a shared storage with VMware, make sure all your VMs
+connected to the target via *separate* sessions. For instance, for iSCSI
+it means that each VM has own connection to the target, not all VMs
+connected using a single connection. You can check it using SCST sysfs
+interface. For other transports you should use available facilities,
+like NPIV for Fibre Channel, to make separate sessions for each VM. If
+you miss it, you can greatly loose performance of parallel access to
+your target from different VMs. This isn't related to the case if your
+VMs are using the same shared storage, like with VMFS, for instance. In
+this case all your VM hosts will be connected to the target via separate
+sessions, which is enough.
+6. For other target and initiator software parts:
+ - Make sure you applied on your kernel all available SCST patches.
+   If for your kernel version this patch doesn't exist, it is strongly
+   recommended to upgrade your kernel to version, for which this patch
+   exists.
+ - Don't enable debug/hacking features in the kernel, i.e. use them as
+   they are by default.
+ - The default kernel read-ahead and queuing settings are optimized
+   for locally attached disks, therefore they are not optimal if they
+   attached remotely (SCSI target case), which sometimes could lead to
+   unexpectedly low throughput. You should increase read-ahead size to at
+   least 512KB or even more on all initiators and the target.
+   You should also limit on all initiators maximum amount of sectors per
+   SCSI command. This tuning is also recommended on targets with large
+   read-ahead values. To do it on Linux, run:
+   echo “64” > /sys/block/sdX/queue/max_sectors_kb
+   where specify instead of X your imported from target device letter,
+   like 'b', i.e. sdb.
+   To increase read-ahead size on Linux, run:
+   blockdev --setra N /dev/sdX
+   where N is a read-ahead number in 512-byte sectors and X is a device
+   letter like above.
+   Note: you need to set read-ahead setting for device sdX again after
+   you changed the maximum amount of sectors per SCSI command for that
+   device.
+   Note2: you need to restart SCST after you changed read-ahead settings
+   on the target.
+ - You may need to increase amount of requests that OS on initiator
+   sends to the target device. To do it on Linux initiators, run
+   echo “64” > /sys/block/sdX/queue/nr_requests
+   where X is a device letter like above.
+   You may also experiment with other parameters in /sys/block/sdX
+   directory, they also affect performance. If you find the best values,
+   please share them with us.
+ - On the target use CFQ IO scheduler. In most cases it has performance
+   advantage over other IO schedulers, sometimes huge (2+ times
+   aggregate throughput increase).
+ - It is recommended to turn the kernel preemption off, i.e. set
+   the kernel preemption model to "No Forced Preemption (Server)".
+ - Looks like XFS is the best filesystem on the target to store device
+   files, because it allows considerably better linear write throughput,
+   than ext3.
+7. For hardware on target.
+ - Make sure that your target hardware (e.g. target FC or network card)
+   and underlaying IO hardware (e.g. IO card, like SATA, SCSI or RAID to
+   which your disks connected) don't share the same PCI bus. You can
+   check it using lspci utility. They have to work in parallel, so it
+   will be better if they don't compete for the bus. The problem is not
+   only in the bandwidth, which they have to share, but also in the
+   interaction between cards during that competition. This is very
+   important, because in some cases if target and backend storage
+   controllers share the same PCI bus, it could lead up to 5-10 times
+   less performance, than expected. Moreover, some motherboard (by
+   Supermicro, particularly) have serious stability issues if there are
+   several high speed devices on the same bus working in parallel. If
+   you have no choice, but PCI bus sharing, set in the BIOS PCI latency
+   as low as possible.
+8. If you use VDISK IO module in FILEIO mode, NV_CACHE option will
+provide you the best performance. But using it make sure you use a good
+UPS with ability to shutdown the target on the power failure.
+Baseline performance numbers you can find in those measurements:
+IMPORTANT: If you use on initiator some versions of Windows (at least W2K)
+=========  you can't get good write performance for VDISK FILEIO devices with
+           default 512 bytes block sizes. You could get about 10% of the
+	   expected one. This is because of the partition alignment, which
+	   is (simplifying) incompatible with how Linux page cache
+	   works, so for each write the corresponding block must be read
+	   first. Use 4096 bytes block sizes for VDISK devices and you
+	   will have the expected write performance. Actually, any OS on
+	   initiators, not only Windows, will benefit from block size
+	   is the page size, BLOCK_SIZE_ON_UNDERLYING_FS is block size
+	   on the underlying FS, on which the device file located, or 0,
+	   if a device node is used. Both values are from the target.
+	   See also important notes about setting block sizes >512 bytes
+	   for VDISK FILEIO devices above.
+9. In some cases, for instance working with SSD devices, which consume 100%
+of a single CPU load for data transfers in their internal threads, to
+maximize IOPS it can be needed to assign for those threads dedicated
+CPUs using Linux CPU affinity facilities. No IRQ processing should be
+done on those CPUs. Check that using /proc/interrupts. See taskset
+command and Documentation/IRQ-affinity.txt in your kernel's source tree
+for how to assign IRQ affinity to tasks and IRQs.
+The reason for that is that processing of coming commands in SIRQ
+context might be done on the same CPUs as SSD devices' threads doing data
+transfers. As the result, those threads won't receive all the processing
+power of those CPUs and perform worse.
+Work if target's backstorage or link is too slow
+Under high I/O load, when your target's backstorage gets overloaded, or
+working over a slow link between initiator and target, when the link
+can't serve all the queued commands on time, you can experience I/O
+stalls or see in the kernel log abort or reset messages.
+At first, consider the case of too slow target's backstorage. On some
+seek intensive workloads even fast disks or RAIDs, which able to serve
+continuous data stream on 500+ MB/s speed, can be as slow as 0.3 MB/s.
+Another possible cause for that can be MD/LVM/RAID on your target as in
+ (check the whole thread as well).
+Thus, in such situations simply processing of one or more commands takes
+too long time, hence initiator decides that they are stuck on the target
+and tries to recover. Particularly, it is known that the default amount
+of simultaneously queued commands (48) is sometimes too high if you do
+intensive writes from VMware on a target disk, which uses LVM in the
+snapshot mode. In this case value like 16 or even 8-10 depending of your
+backstorage speed could be more appropriate.
+Unfortunately, currently SCST lacks dynamic I/O flow control, when the
+queue depth on the target is dynamically decreased/increased based on
+how slow/fast the backstorage speed comparing to the target link. So,
+there are 6 possible actions, which you can do to workaround or fix this
+issue in this case:
+1. Ignore incoming task management (TM) commands. It's fine if there are
+not too many of them, so average performance isn't hurt and the
+corresponding device isn't getting put offline, i.e. if the backstorage
+isn't too slow.
+2. Decrease /sys/block/sdX/device/queue_depth on the initiator in case
+if it's Linux (see below how) or/and SCST_MAX_TGT_DEV_COMMANDS constant
+in scst_priv.h file until you stop seeing incoming TM commands.
+ISCSI-SCST driver also has its own iSCSI specific parameter for that,
+see its README file.
+To decrease device queue depth on Linux initiators you can run command:
+# echo Y >/sys/block/sdX/device/queue_depth
+where Y is the new number of simultaneously queued commands, X - your
+imported device letter, like 'a' for sda device. There are no special
+limitations for Y value, it can be any value from 1 to possible maximum
+(usually, 32), so start from dividing the current value on 2, i.e. set
+16, if /sys/block/sdX/device/queue_depth contains 32.
+3. Increase the corresponding timeout on the initiator. For Linux it is
+located in
+/sys/devices/platform/host*/session*/target*:0:0/*:0:0:1/timeout. It can
+be done automatically by an udev rule. For instance, the following
+rule will increase it to 300 seconds:
+SUBSYSTEM=="scsi", KERNEL=="[0-9]*:[0-9]*", ACTION=="add", ATTR{type}=="0|7|14", ATTR{timeout}="300"
+By default, this timeout is 30 or 60 seconds, depending on your distribution.
+4. Try to avoid such seek intensive workloads.
+5. Increase speed of the target's backstorage.
+6. Implement in SCST dynamic I/O flow control. This will be an ultimate
+solution. See "Dynamic I/O flow control" section on
+ page for possible
+implementation idea.
+Next, consider the case of too slow link between initiator and target,
+when the initiator tries to simultaneously push N commands to the target
+over it. In this case time to serve those commands, i.e. send or receive
+data for them over the link, can be more, than timeout for any single
+command, hence one or more commands in the tail of the queue can not be
+served on time less than the timeout, so the initiator will decide that
+they are stuck on the target and will try to recover.
+To workaround/fix this issue in this case you can use ways 1, 2, 3, 6
+above or (7): increase speed of the link between target and initiator.
+But for some initiators implementations for WRITE commands there might
+be cases when target has no way to detect the issue, so dynamic I/O flow
+control will not be able to help. In those cases you could also need on
+the initiator(s) to either decrease the queue depth (way 2), or increase
+the corresponding timeout (way 3).
+Note, that logged messages about QUEUE_FULL status are quite different
+by nature. This is a normal work, just SCSI flow control in action.
+Simply don't enable "mgmt_minor" logging level, or, alternatively, if
+you are confident in the worst case performance of your back-end storage
+or initiator-target link, you can increase SCST_MAX_TGT_DEV_COMMANDS in
+scst_priv.h to 64. Usually initiators don't try to push more commands on
+the target.
+Thanks to:
+ * Mark Buechler <mark.buechler@xxxxxxxxx> for a lot of useful
+   suggestions, bug reports and help in debugging.
+ * Ming Zhang <mingz@xxxxxxxxxxx> for fixes and comments.
+ * Nathaniel Clark <nate@xxxxxxxxxx> for fixes and comments.
+ * Calvin Morrow <calvin.morrow@xxxxxxxxxxx> for testing and useful
+   suggestions.
+ * Hu Gang <hugang@xxxxxxxxxxxx> for the original version of the
+   LSI target driver.
+ * Erik Habbinga <erikhabbinga@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> for fixes and support
+   of the LSI target driver.
+ * Ross S. W. Walker <rswwalker@xxxxxxxxxxx> for the original block IO
+   code and Vu Pham <huongvp@xxxxxxxxx> who updated it for the VDISK dev
+   handler.
+ * Michael G. Byrnes <michael.byrnes@xxxxxx> for fixes.
+ * Alessandro Premoli <a.premoli@xxxxxxxxx> for fixes
+ * Nathan Bullock <nbullock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> for fixes.
+ * Terry Greeniaus <tgreeniaus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> for fixes.
+ * Krzysztof Blaszkowski <kb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> for many fixes and bug reports.
+ * Jianxi Chen <pacers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> for fixing problem with
+   devices >2TB in size
+ * Bart Van Assche <bart.vanassche@xxxxxxxxx> for a lot of help
+ * Daniel Debonzi <debonzi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> for a big part of SCST sysfs tree
+   implementation
+Vladislav Bolkhovitin <vst@xxxxxxxx>,

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