xfs_io atomic write support is a dependency of the scsi and nvme atomic write tests. The xfs_io atomic write support was introduced across different versions so if xfs_io pwrite supports the -A (Atomic Write) option, it doesn't necessarily support statx atomic write fields so that needs to be verified separately. Signed-off-by: Alan Adamson <alan.adamson@xxxxxxxxxx> --- common/xfs | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/common/xfs b/common/xfs index 10ecda7c75c8..79e79e7f45ae 100644 --- a/common/xfs +++ b/common/xfs @@ -11,6 +11,14 @@ _have_xfs_io_atomic_write() { _have_program xfs_io || return $? + # Determine if the statx command returns the atomic writes fields. + s=$(xfs_io -c "statx -r -m 0x00010000" /dev/null | grep atomic_write_unit_min) + if [[ $s == "" ]]; + then + SKIP_REASONS+=("xfs_io does not support the statx atomic write fields") + return 1 + fi + # If the pwrite command supports the -A option then this version # of xfs_io supports atomic writes. s=$(xfs_io -c help | grep pwrite | awk '{ print $4}') -- 2.43.5