We have a system whose RAID array has performance problems. We see I/O
maxing out at throughputs far below the spec of the controller and even
well below that of individual discs attached to it.
The RAID controller from Areca is configured with 2-off RAID volumes and
has 4-off 6TB discs attached to it. I would like to be able to access the
4 discs individually, e.g. to be able to dd them to /dev/null to check on
their performances. I know we could JBOD the discs and do S/W RAID but
this is a production system and in any case the point of having a H/W RAID
controller is to avoid this!
This shows the configuration,
# lsscsi -gs
[0:0:0:0] disk Areca ARC-1226-VOL#000 R001 /dev/sda /dev/sg0 199GB
[0:0:0:1] disk Areca ARC-1226-VOL#001 R001 /dev/sdb /dev/sg1 11.8TB
[0:0:16:0] process Areca RAID controller R001 - /dev/sg2 -
I know that some access to the individual discs attached is possible
because the smartmontools utility smartctl can do it, e.g.,
# smartctl -i -d areca,1 /dev/sg2
smartctl 7.0 2018-12-30 r4883 [x86_64-linux-3.10.0-1160.80.1.el7.x86_64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-18, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,
Model Family: Western Digital Red
Device Model: WDC WD60EFRX-68L0BN1
I was hoping to use 'sg_dd if=<???> of=/dev/null' or similar. I could not
find what I was looking for at https://sg.danny.cz/sg/ or elsewhere. Is
this possible? Can anyone give me some pointers?
Many thanks
Tom Crane
Tom Crane, Digital Electronics Engineer, Dept. Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Hill,
Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, England.
Email: T.Crane@xxxxxxxxxx