Hi, John
On 2023/12/1 17:22, John Garry wrote:
On 30/11/2023 03:53, yangxingui wrote:
For phy19, when the phy is attached and added to the parent wide
port, the path is:
-> sas_add_parent_port().
ok, so then the change to set ex_phy->port = ex->parent_port looks
ok. Maybe we can put this in a helper with the sas_port_add_phy()
call, as it is duplicated in sas_ex_join_wide_port()
Do we also need to set ex_phy->phy_state (like sas_ex_join_wide_port())?
Well, okay, as follows?
+++ b/drivers/scsi/libsas/sas_expander.c
@@ -856,9 +856,7 @@ static bool sas_ex_join_wide_port(struct
domain_device *parent, int phy_id)
if (!memcmp(phy->attached_sas_addr,
SAS_ADDR_SIZE) && ephy->port) {
- sas_port_add_phy(ephy->port, phy->phy);
- phy->port = ephy->port;
- phy->phy_state = PHY_DEVICE_DISCOVERED;
+ sas_port_add_ex_phy(ephy->port, phy);
return true;
this looks ok. How about adding this helper and using it in a separate
Okay, then I will update the version.
diff --git a/drivers/scsi/libsas/sas_internal.h
index e860d5b19880..39ffa60a9a01 100644
--- a/drivers/scsi/libsas/sas_internal.h
+++ b/drivers/scsi/libsas/sas_internal.h
@@ -189,6 +189,13 @@ static inline void sas_phy_set_target(struct
asd_sas_phy *p, struct domain_devic
+static inline void sas_port_add_ex_phy(struct sas_port *port, struct
ex_phy *ex_phy)
+ sas_port_add_phy(port, ex_phy->phy);
+ ex_phy->port = port;
+ ex_phy->phy_state = PHY_DEVICE_DISCOVERED;
I'd prefer sas_expander.c, but sas_add_parent_port() is here... having
said that, sas_add_parent_port() is only used in sas_expander.c
Okay, then I will update the version and move it to sas_expander.c .
static inline void sas_add_parent_port(struct domain_device *dev,
int phy_id)
struct expander_device *ex = &dev->ex_dev;
@@ -201,8 +208,7 @@ static inline void sas_add_parent_port(struct
domain_device *dev, int phy_id)
- sas_port_add_phy(ex->parent_port, ex_phy->phy);
+ sas_port_add_ex_phy(ex->parent_port, ex_phy);
And the path called when it is removed from parent wide port is:
->sas_unregister_devs_sas_addr() // The sas address of phy19
becomes 0. Since ex_phy->port is NULL, phy19 is not removed from the
parent wide port's phy_list.
For phy0, it is connected to a new sata device.
->sas_set_ex_phy() // The device
type is stp. Since the linkrate is 5 and less than 1.5G, sas_address
is set to 0.
Then when we get the proper linkrate later, will we then rediscover
and set the proper SAS address? I am just wondering if this change is
really required?
Yes, but in fact it has not reached that stage yet. After setting the
address to 0, it will continue to create a new port and try to add
other phys with the same address as it to this new port.
creating a port for SAS address == 0 and adding phys seems incorrect,
Yes. There are three possible ways to solve the problem of creating a
port with a zero address:
1. Use the sas address obtained by querying the expander instead of the
zero address.
2. Forbid the phy with an address of 0 to create a port.
3. When the rate is less than 1.5G, do not let it enter
Because when the device type is not empty, its SAS address is legal, and
we are currently using the first one.
BTW, Even with the change to set ex_phy->port = ex->parent_port, are
we still joining the host-attached expander phy (19) to a port with
SAS address == 0?
Yes, in order to avoid this situation, in the current patch, we will
not force the SAS address to be set to 0 when the device type is not
NULL, but will still use the address obtained after requesting the
ok, let me check that again later today.