RE: [patch v2 21/38] x86/cpu: Provide cpu_init/parse_topology()

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From: Thomas Gleixner <tglx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 1:49 PM
> On Mon, Jul 31 2023 at 16:10, Michael Kelley wrote:
> > From: Thomas Gleixner <tglx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 8:38 AM
> > The VM is an F72s_v2 in Azure running your patch set.  The VM has
> > 72 vCPUs in two NUMA nodes across two physical Intel processors, with
> > 36 vCPUs in each NUMA node.
> >
> > The output is from /sys/kernel/debug/x86/topo/cpus, so the initial_apicid
> > is from CPUID, while the apicid is from read_apic_id() and matches the
> > MADT.  As expected, the two values match for the first 36 vCPUs, but differ
> > by 28 (decimal) for the remaining 36.
> >
> > initial_apicid:      0 apicid:              0
> ...
> > initial_apicid:      23 apicid:              23
> > initial_apicid:      40 apicid:              24
> ...
> > initial_apicid:      63 apicid:              47
> Is there any indication in some other CPUID leaf which lets us deduce this
> wreckage?

You can detect being a Hyper-V guest with leaf 0x40000000.  See Linux
kernel function ms_hyperv_platform().  But I'm not aware of anything
to indicate that a specific Hyper-V VM has the APIC numbering problem
vs. doesn't have the problem.

> I don't think the hypervisor space (0x40000xx) has anything helpful, but
> staring at the architectural ones provided by hyper-V to the guest might
> give us an hint. Can you provide a cpuid dump for the boot CPU please?

I'm not sure if you want the raw or decoded output.  Here's both.


# taskset -c 0 cpuid -r -1
   0x00000000 0x00: eax=0x00000015 ebx=0x756e6547 ecx=0x6c65746e edx=0x49656e69
   0x00000001 0x00: eax=0x000606a6 ebx=0x00400800 ecx=0xfeda3223 edx=0x1f8bfbff
   0x00000002 0x00: eax=0x00feff01 ebx=0x000000f0 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x00000003 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x00000004 0x00: eax=0x7c004121 ebx=0x02c0003f ecx=0x0000003f edx=0x00000000
   0x00000004 0x01: eax=0x7c004122 ebx=0x01c0003f ecx=0x0000003f edx=0x00000000
   0x00000004 0x02: eax=0x7c004143 ebx=0x04c0003f ecx=0x000003ff edx=0x00000000
   0x00000004 0x03: eax=0x7c0fc163 ebx=0x02c0003f ecx=0x0000ffff edx=0x00000000
   0x00000005 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x00000006 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x00000007 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0xd09f2fb9 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000400
   0x00000008 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x00000009 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000a 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000b 0x00: eax=0x00000001 ebx=0x00000002 ecx=0x00000100 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000b 0x01: eax=0x00000006 ebx=0x00000040 ecx=0x00000201 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000c 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000d 0x00: eax=0x000000e7 ebx=0x00000a80 ecx=0x00000a80 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000d 0x01: eax=0x0000000b ebx=0x00000980 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000d 0x02: eax=0x00000100 ebx=0x00000240 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000d 0x05: eax=0x00000040 ebx=0x00000440 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000d 0x06: eax=0x00000200 ebx=0x00000480 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000d 0x07: eax=0x00000400 ebx=0x00000680 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000e 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x0000000f 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x00000010 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x00000011 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x00000012 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x00000013 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x00000014 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x00000015 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x40000000 0x00: eax=0x4000000a ebx=0x7263694d ecx=0x666f736f edx=0x76482074
   0x40000001 0x00: eax=0x31237648 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x40000002 0x00: eax=0x00004f7c ebx=0x000a0000 ecx=0x00000001 edx=0x000005b6
   0x40000003 0x00: eax=0x00002e7f ebx=0x003b8030 ecx=0x00000002 edx=0x000ed7b2
   0x40000004 0x00: eax=0x00064e24 ebx=0x00000fff ecx=0x0000002e edx=0x00000000
   0x40000005 0x00: eax=0x000000f0 ebx=0x00000400 ecx=0x00005d00 edx=0x00000000
   0x40000006 0x00: eax=0x0000000f ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x40000007 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x40000008 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x40000009 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x4000000a 0x00: eax=0x000e0101 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x20000000 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x80000000 0x00: eax=0x80000008 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x80000001 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000121 edx=0x2c100800
   0x80000002 0x00: eax=0x65746e49 ebx=0x2952286c ecx=0x6f655820 edx=0x2952286e
   0x80000003 0x00: eax=0x616c5020 ebx=0x756e6974 ecx=0x3338206d edx=0x20433037
   0x80000004 0x00: eax=0x20555043 ebx=0x2e322040 ecx=0x48473038 edx=0x0000007a
   0x80000005 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x80000006 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x01006040 edx=0x00000000
   0x80000007 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x80000008 0x00: eax=0x0000302e ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0x80860000 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   0xc0000000 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000

   vendor_id = "GenuineIntel"
   version information (1/eax):
      processor type  = primary processor (0)
      family          = 0x6 (6)
      model           = 0xa (10)
      stepping id     = 0x6 (6)
      extended family = 0x0 (0)
      extended model  = 0x6 (6)
      (family synth)  = 0x6 (6)
      (model synth)   = 0x6a (106)
      (simple synth)  = Intel Core (Ice Lake) [Sunny Cove] {Sunny Cove}, 10nm
   miscellaneous (1/ebx):
      process local APIC physical ID = 0x0 (0)
      cpu count                      = 0x40 (64)
      CLFLUSH line size              = 0x8 (8)
      brand index                    = 0x0 (0)
   brand id = 0x00 (0): unknown
   feature information (1/edx):
      x87 FPU on chip                        = true
      VME: virtual-8086 mode enhancement     = true
      DE: debugging extensions               = true
      PSE: page size extensions              = true
      TSC: time stamp counter                = true
      RDMSR and WRMSR support                = true
      PAE: physical address extensions       = true
      MCE: machine check exception           = true
      CMPXCHG8B inst.                        = true
      APIC on chip                           = true
      SYSENTER and SYSEXIT                   = true
      MTRR: memory type range registers      = true
      PTE global bit                         = true
      MCA: machine check architecture        = true
      CMOV: conditional move/compare instr   = true
      PAT: page attribute table              = true
      PSE-36: page size extension            = true
      PSN: processor serial number           = false
      CLFLUSH instruction                    = true
      DS: debug store                        = false
      ACPI: thermal monitor and clock ctrl   = false
      MMX Technology                         = true
      FXSAVE/FXRSTOR                         = true
      SSE extensions                         = true
      SSE2 extensions                        = true
      SS: self snoop                         = true
      hyper-threading / multi-core supported = true
      TM: therm. monitor                     = false
      IA64                                   = false
      PBE: pending break event               = false
   feature information (1/ecx):
      PNI/SSE3: Prescott New Instructions     = true
      PCLMULDQ instruction                    = true
      DTES64: 64-bit debug store              = false
      MONITOR/MWAIT                           = false
      CPL-qualified debug store               = false
      VMX: virtual machine extensions         = true
      SMX: safer mode extensions              = false
      Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology     = false
      TM2: thermal monitor 2                  = false
      SSSE3 extensions                        = true
      context ID: adaptive or shared L1 data  = false
      SDBG: IA32_DEBUG_INTERFACE              = false
      FMA instruction                         = true
      CMPXCHG16B instruction                  = true
      xTPR disable                            = false
      PDCM: perfmon and debug                 = false
      PCID: process context identifiers       = true
      DCA: direct cache access                = false
      SSE4.1 extensions                       = true
      SSE4.2 extensions                       = true
      x2APIC: extended xAPIC support          = false
      MOVBE instruction                       = true
      POPCNT instruction                      = true
      time stamp counter deadline             = false
      AES instruction                         = true
      XSAVE/XSTOR states                      = true
      OS-enabled XSAVE/XSTOR                  = true
      AVX: advanced vector extensions         = true
      F16C half-precision convert instruction = true
      RDRAND instruction                      = true
      hypervisor guest status                 = true
   cache and TLB information (2):
      0xff: cache data is in CPUID leaf 4
      0xfe: TLB data is in CPUID leaf 0x18
      0xf0: 64 byte prefetching
   processor serial number = 0006-06A6-0000-0000-0000-0000
   deterministic cache parameters (4):
      --- cache 0 ---
      cache type                           = data cache (1)
      cache level                          = 0x1 (1)
      self-initializing cache level        = true
      fully associative cache              = false
      extra threads sharing this cache     = 0x1 (1)
      extra processor cores on this die    = 0x1f (31)
      system coherency line size           = 0x40 (64)
      physical line partitions             = 0x1 (1)
      ways of associativity                = 0xc (12)
      number of sets                       = 0x40 (64)
      WBINVD/INVD acts on lower caches     = false
      inclusive to lower caches            = false
      complex cache indexing               = false
      number of sets (s)                   = 64
      (size synth)                         = 49152 (48 KB)
      --- cache 1 ---
      cache type                           = instruction cache (2)
      cache level                          = 0x1 (1)
      self-initializing cache level        = true
      fully associative cache              = false
      extra threads sharing this cache     = 0x1 (1)
      extra processor cores on this die    = 0x1f (31)
      system coherency line size           = 0x40 (64)
      physical line partitions             = 0x1 (1)
      ways of associativity                = 0x8 (8)
      number of sets                       = 0x40 (64)
      WBINVD/INVD acts on lower caches     = false
      inclusive to lower caches            = false
      complex cache indexing               = false
      number of sets (s)                   = 64
      (size synth)                         = 32768 (32 KB)
      --- cache 2 ---
      cache type                           = unified cache (3)
      cache level                          = 0x2 (2)
      self-initializing cache level        = true
      fully associative cache              = false
      extra threads sharing this cache     = 0x1 (1)
      extra processor cores on this die    = 0x1f (31)
      system coherency line size           = 0x40 (64)
      physical line partitions             = 0x1 (1)
      ways of associativity                = 0x14 (20)
      number of sets                       = 0x400 (1024)
      WBINVD/INVD acts on lower caches     = false
      inclusive to lower caches            = false
      complex cache indexing               = false
      number of sets (s)                   = 1024
      (size synth)                         = 1310720 (1.2 MB)
      --- cache 3 ---
      cache type                           = unified cache (3)
      cache level                          = 0x3 (3)
      self-initializing cache level        = true
      fully associative cache              = false
      extra threads sharing this cache     = 0x3f (63)
      extra processor cores on this die    = 0x1f (31)
      system coherency line size           = 0x40 (64)
      physical line partitions             = 0x1 (1)
      ways of associativity                = 0xc (12)
      number of sets                       = 0x10000 (65536)
      WBINVD/INVD acts on lower caches     = false
      inclusive to lower caches            = false
      complex cache indexing               = false
      number of sets (s)                   = 65536
      (size synth)                         = 50331648 (48 MB)
      smallest monitor-line size (bytes)       = 0x0 (0)
      largest monitor-line size (bytes)        = 0x0 (0)
      enum of Monitor-MWAIT exts supported     = false
      supports intrs as break-event for MWAIT  = false
      number of C0 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C1 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C2 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C3 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C4 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C5 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C6 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C7 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
   Thermal and Power Management Features (6):
      digital thermometer                     = false
      Intel Turbo Boost Technology            = false
      ARAT always running APIC timer          = false
      PLN power limit notification            = false
      ECMD extended clock modulation duty     = false
      PTM package thermal management          = false
      HWP base registers                      = false
      HWP notification                        = false
      HWP activity window                     = false
      HWP energy performance preference       = false
      HWP package level request               = false
      HDC base registers                      = false
      Intel Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0    = false
      HWP capabilities                        = false
      HWP PECI override                       = false
      flexible HWP                            = false
      IA32_HWP_REQUEST MSR fast access mode   = false
      HW_FEEDBACK                             = false
      ignoring idle logical processor HWP req = false
      digital thermometer thresholds          = 0x0 (0)
      hardware coordination feedback          = false
      ACNT2 available                         = false
      performance-energy bias capability      = false
      performance capability reporting        = false
      energy efficiency capability reporting  = false
      size of feedback struct (4KB pages)     = 0x0 (0)
      index of CPU's row in feedback struct   = 0x0 (0)
   extended feature flags (7):
      FSGSBASE instructions                    = true
      IA32_TSC_ADJUST MSR supported            = false
      SGX: Software Guard Extensions supported = false
      BMI1 instructions                        = true
      HLE hardware lock elision                = true
      AVX2: advanced vector extensions 2       = true
      FDP_EXCPTN_ONLY                          = false
      SMEP supervisor mode exec protection     = true
      BMI2 instructions                        = true
      enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB                 = true
      INVPCID instruction                      = true
      RTM: restricted transactional memory     = true
      RDT-CMT/PQoS cache monitoring            = false
      deprecated FPU CS/DS                     = true
      MPX: intel memory protection extensions  = false
      RDT-CAT/PQE cache allocation             = false
      AVX512F: AVX-512 foundation instructions = true
      AVX512DQ: double & quadword instructions = true
      RDSEED instruction                       = true
      ADX instructions                         = true
      SMAP: supervisor mode access prevention  = true
      AVX512IFMA: fused multiply add           = false
      PCOMMIT instruction                      = false
      CLFLUSHOPT instruction                   = true
      CLWB instruction                         = false
      Intel processor trace                    = false
      AVX512PF: prefetch instructions          = false
      AVX512ER: exponent & reciprocal instrs   = false
      AVX512CD: conflict detection instrs      = true
      SHA instructions                         = false
      AVX512BW: byte & word instructions       = true
      AVX512VL: vector length                  = true
      PREFETCHWT1                              = false
      AVX512VBMI: vector byte manipulation     = false
      UMIP: user-mode instruction prevention   = false
      PKU protection keys for user-mode        = false
      OSPKE CR4.PKE and RDPKRU/WRPKRU          = false
      WAITPKG instructions                     = false
      AVX512_VBMI2: byte VPCOMPRESS, VPEXPAND  = false
      CET_SS: CET shadow stack                 = false
      GFNI: Galois Field New Instructions      = false
      VAES instructions                        = false
      VPCLMULQDQ instruction                   = false
      AVX512_VNNI: neural network instructions = false
      AVX512_BITALG: bit count/shiffle         = false
      TME: Total Memory Encryption             = false
      AVX512: VPOPCNTDQ instruction            = false
      5-level paging                           = false
      BNDLDX/BNDSTX MAWAU value in 64-bit mode = 0x0 (0)
      RDPID: read processor D supported        = false
      CLDEMOTE supports cache line demote      = false
      MOVDIRI instruction                      = false
      MOVDIR64B instruction                    = false
      ENQCMD instruction                       = false
      SGX_LC: SGX launch config supported      = false
      AVX512_4VNNIW: neural network instrs     = false
      AVX512_4FMAPS: multiply acc single prec  = false
      fast short REP MOV                       = false
      AVX512_VP2INTERSECT: intersect mask regs = false
      VERW md-clear microcode support          = true
      hybrid part                              = false
      PCONFIG instruction                      = false
      CET_IBT: CET indirect branch tracking    = false
      IBRS/IBPB: indirect branch restrictions  = false
      STIBP: 1 thr indirect branch predictor   = false
      L1D_FLUSH: IA32_FLUSH_CMD MSR            = false
      IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR               = false
      IA32_CORE_CAPABILITIES MSR               = false
      SSBD: speculative store bypass disable   = false
   Direct Cache Access Parameters (9):
      PLATFORM_DCA_CAP MSR bits = 0
   Architecture Performance Monitoring Features (0xa/eax):
      version ID                               = 0x0 (0)
      number of counters per logical processor = 0x0 (0)
      bit width of counter                     = 0x0 (0)
      length of EBX bit vector                 = 0x0 (0)
   Architecture Performance Monitoring Features (0xa/ebx):
      core cycle event not available           = false
      instruction retired event not available  = false
      reference cycles event not available     = false
      last-level cache ref event not available = false
      last-level cache miss event not avail    = false
      branch inst retired event not available  = false
      branch mispred retired event not avail   = false
   Architecture Performance Monitoring Features (0xa/edx):
      number of fixed counters    = 0x0 (0)
      bit width of fixed counters = 0x0 (0)
      anythread deprecation       = false
   x2APIC features / processor topology (0xb):
      extended APIC ID                      = 0
      --- level 0 ---
      level number                          = 0x0 (0)
      level type                            = thread (1)
      bit width of level                    = 0x1 (1)
      number of logical processors at level = 0x2 (2)
      --- level 1 ---
      level number                          = 0x1 (1)
      level type                            = core (2)
      bit width of level                    = 0x6 (6)
      number of logical processors at level = 0x40 (64)
   XSAVE features (0xd/0):
      XCR0 lower 32 bits valid bit field mask = 0x000000e7
      XCR0 upper 32 bits valid bit field mask = 0x00000000
         XCR0 supported: x87 state            = true
         XCR0 supported: SSE state            = true
         XCR0 supported: AVX state            = true
         XCR0 supported: MPX BNDREGS          = false
         XCR0 supported: MPX BNDCSR           = false
         XCR0 supported: AVX-512 opmask       = true
         XCR0 supported: AVX-512 ZMM_Hi256    = true
         XCR0 supported: AVX-512 Hi16_ZMM     = true
         IA32_XSS supported: PT state         = false
         XCR0 supported: PKRU state           = false
         XCR0 supported: CET_U state          = false
         XCR0 supported: CET_S state          = false
         IA32_XSS supported: HDC state        = false
      bytes required by fields in XCR0        = 0x00000a80 (2688)
      bytes required by XSAVE/XRSTOR area     = 0x00000a80 (2688)
   XSAVE features (0xd/1):
      XSAVEOPT instruction                        = true
      XSAVEC instruction                          = true
      XGETBV instruction                          = false
      XSAVES/XRSTORS instructions                 = true
      SAVE area size in bytes                     = 0x00000980 (2432)
      IA32_XSS lower 32 bits valid bit field mask = 0x00000000
      IA32_XSS upper 32 bits valid bit field mask = 0x00000000
   AVX/YMM features (0xd/2):
      AVX/YMM save state byte size             = 0x00000100 (256)
      AVX/YMM save state byte offset           = 0x00000240 (576)
      supported in IA32_XSS or XCR0            = XCR0 (user state)
      64-byte alignment in compacted XSAVE     = false
   AVX-512 opmask features (0xd/5):
      AVX-512 opmask save state byte size      = 0x00000040 (64)
      AVX-512 opmask save state byte offset    = 0x00000440 (1088)
      supported in IA32_XSS or XCR0            = XCR0 (user state)
      64-byte alignment in compacted XSAVE     = false
   AVX-512 ZMM_Hi256 features (0xd/6):
      AVX-512 ZMM_Hi256 save state byte size   = 0x00000200 (512)
      AVX-512 ZMM_Hi256 save state byte offset = 0x00000480 (1152)
      supported in IA32_XSS or XCR0            = XCR0 (user state)
      64-byte alignment in compacted XSAVE     = false
   AVX-512 Hi16_ZMM features (0xd/7):
      AVX-512 Hi16_ZMM save state byte size    = 0x00000400 (1024)
      AVX-512 Hi16_ZMM save state byte offset  = 0x00000680 (1664)
      supported in IA32_XSS or XCR0            = XCR0 (user state)
      64-byte alignment in compacted XSAVE     = false
   Quality of Service Monitoring Resource Type (0xf/0):
      Maximum range of RMID = 0
      supports L3 cache QoS monitoring = false
   Resource Director Technology Allocation (0x10/0):
      L3 cache allocation technology supported = false
      L2 cache allocation technology supported = false
      memory bandwidth allocation supported    = false
   0x00000011 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   Software Guard Extensions (SGX) capability (0x12/0):
      SGX1 supported                         = false
      SGX2 supported                         = false
      MISCSELECT.EXINFO supported: #PF & #GP = false
      MISCSELECT.CPINFO supported: #CP       = false
      MaxEnclaveSize_Not64 (log2)            = 0x0 (0)
      MaxEnclaveSize_64 (log2)               = 0x0 (0)
   0x00000013 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000
   Intel Processor Trace (0x14):
      IA32_RTIT_CR3_MATCH is accessible      = false
      configurable PSB & cycle-accurate      = false
      IP & TraceStop filtering; PT preserve  = false
      MTC timing packet; suppress COFI-based = false
      PTWRITE support                        = false
      power event trace support              = false
      ToPA output scheme support         = false
      ToPA can hold many output entries  = false
      single-range output scheme support = false
      output to trace transport          = false
      IP payloads have LIP values & CS   = false
   Time Stamp Counter/Core Crystal Clock Information (0x15):
      TSC/clock ratio = 0/0
      nominal core crystal clock = 0 Hz
   hypervisor_id = "Microsoft Hv"
   hypervisor interface identification (0x40000001/eax):
      version = "Hv#1"
   hypervisor system identity (0x40000002):
      build          = 20348
      version        = 10.0
      service pack   = 1
      service branch = 0
      service number = 1462
   hypervisor feature identification (0x40000003/eax):
      VP run time                      = true
      partition reference counter      = true
      basic synIC MSRs                 = true
      synthetic timer MSRs             = true
      APIC access MSRs                 = true
      hypercall MSRs                   = true
      access virtual process index MSR = true
      virtual system reset MSR         = false
      map/unmap statistics pages MSR   = false
      reference TSC access             = true
      guest idle state MSR             = true
      TSC/APIC frequency MSRs          = true
      guest debugging MSRs             = false
   hypervisor partition creation flags (0x40000003/ebx):
      CreatePartitions         = false
      AccessPartitionId        = false
      AccessMemoryPool         = false
      AdjustMessageBuffers     = false
      PostMessages             = true
      SignalEvents             = true
      CreatePort               = false
      ConnectPort              = false
      AccessStats              = false
      Debugging                = false
      CPUManagement            = false
      ConfigureProfiler        = false
      AccessVSM                = true
      AccessVpRegisters        = true
      EnableExtendedHypercalls = true
      StartVirtualProcessor    = true
   hypervisor power management features (0x40000003/ecx):
      maximum process power state = 0x2 (2)
   hypervisor feature identification (0x40000003/edx):
      MWAIT available                          = false
      guest debugging support available        = true
      performance monitor support available    = false
      CPU dynamic partitioning events avail    = false
      hypercall XMM input parameters available = true
      virtual guest idle state available       = true
      hypervisor sleep state available         = false
      query NUMA distance available            = true
      determine timer frequency available      = true
      inject synthetic machine check available = true
      guest crash MSRs available               = true
      debug MSRs available                     = false
      NPIEP available                          = true
      disable hypervisor available             = false
      extended gva ranges for flush virt addrs = true
      hypercall XMM register return available  = true
      sint polling mode available              = true
      hypercall MSR lock available             = true
      use direct synthetic timers              = true
   hypervisor recommendations (0x40000004/eax):
      use hypercalls for AS switches        = false
      use hypercalls for local TLB flushes  = false
      use hypercalls for remote TLB flushes = true
      use MSRs to access EOI, ICR, TPR      = false
      use MSRs to initiate system RESET     = false
      use relaxed timing                    = true
      use DMA remapping                     = false
      use interrupt remapping               = false
      use x2APIC MSRs                       = false
      deprecate AutoEOI                     = true
      use SyntheticClusterIpi hypercall     = true
      use ExProcessorMasks                  = true
      hypervisor is nested with Hyper-V     = false
      use INT for MBEC system calls         = false
      use enlightened VMCS interface        = true
      maximum number of spinlock retry attempts = 0xfff (4095)
   hypervisor implementation limits (0x40000005):
      maximum number of virtual processors                       = 0xf0 (240)
      maximum number of logical processors                       = 0x400 (1024)
      maximum number of physical interrupt vectors for remapping = 0x5d00 (23808)
   hypervisor hardware features used (0x40000006/eax):
      APIC overlay assist              = true
      MSR bitmaps                      = true
      performance counters             = true
      second-level address translation = true
      DMA remapping                    = false
      interrupt remapping              = false
      memory patrol scrubber           = false
      DMA protection                   = false
      HPET requested                   = false
      synthetic timers are volatile    = false
   hypervisor root partition enlightenments (0x40000007):
      StartLogicalProcessor      = false
      CreateRootvirtualProcessor = false
      ProcessorPowerManagement = false
      MwaitIdleStates          = false
      LogicalProcessorIdling   = false
   hypervisor shared virtual memory (0x40000008):
      SvmSupported            = false
      MaxPasidSpacePasidCount = 0x0 (0)
   hypervisor nested hypervisor features (0x40000009):
      AccessSynicRegs               = false
      AccessIntrCtrlRegs            = false
      AccessHypercallMsrs           = false
      AccessVpIndex                 = false
      AccessReenlightenmentControls = false
      XmmRegistersForFastHypercallAvailable = false
      FastHypercallOutputAvailable          = false
      SintPoillingModeAvailable             = false
   hypervisor nested virtualization features (0x4000000a):
      enlightened VMCS version (low)          = 0x1 (1)
      enlightened VMCS version (high)         = 0x1 (1)
      direct virtual flush hypercalls support = true
      HvFlushGuestPhysicalAddress* hypercalls = true
      enlightened MSR bitmap support          = true
   extended feature flags (0x80000001/edx):
      SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions        = true
      execution disable                      = true
      1-GB large page support                = true
      RDTSCP                                 = true
      64-bit extensions technology available = true
   Intel feature flags (0x80000001/ecx):
      LAHF/SAHF supported in 64-bit mode     = true
      LZCNT advanced bit manipulation        = true
      3DNow! PREFETCH/PREFETCHW instructions = true
   brand = "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8370C CPU @ 2.80GHz"
   L1 TLB/cache information: 2M/4M pages & L1 TLB (0x80000005/eax):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = 0x0 (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = 0x0 (0)
   L1 TLB/cache information: 4K pages & L1 TLB (0x80000005/ebx):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = 0x0 (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = 0x0 (0)
   L1 data cache information (0x80000005/ecx):
      line size (bytes) = 0x0 (0)
      lines per tag     = 0x0 (0)
      associativity     = 0x0 (0)
      size (KB)         = 0x0 (0)
   L1 instruction cache information (0x80000005/edx):
      line size (bytes) = 0x0 (0)
      lines per tag     = 0x0 (0)
      associativity     = 0x0 (0)
      size (KB)         = 0x0 (0)
   L2 TLB/cache information: 2M/4M pages & L2 TLB (0x80000006/eax):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = L2 off (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = L2 off (0)
   L2 TLB/cache information: 4K pages & L2 TLB (0x80000006/ebx):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = L2 off (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = L2 off (0)
   L2 unified cache information (0x80000006/ecx):
      line size (bytes) = 0x40 (64)
      lines per tag     = 0x0 (0)
      associativity     = 8-way (6)
      size (KB)         = 0x100 (256)
   L3 cache information (0x80000006/edx):
      line size (bytes)     = 0x0 (0)
      lines per tag         = 0x0 (0)
      associativity         = L2 off (0)
      size (in 512KB units) = 0x0 (0)
   RAS Capability (0x80000007/ebx):
      MCA overflow recovery support = false
      SUCCOR support                = false
      HWA: hardware assert support  = false
      scalable MCA support          = false
   Advanced Power Management Features (0x80000007/ecx):
      CmpUnitPwrSampleTimeRatio = 0x0 (0)
   Advanced Power Management Features (0x80000007/edx):
      TS: temperature sensing diode           = false
      FID: frequency ID control               = false
      VID: voltage ID control                 = false
      TTP: thermal trip                       = false
      TM: thermal monitor                     = false
      STC: software thermal control           = false
      100 MHz multiplier control              = false
      hardware P-State control                = false
      TscInvariant                            = false
      CPB: core performance boost             = false
      read-only effective frequency interface = false
      processor feedback interface            = false
      APM power reporting                     = false
      connected standby                       = false
      RAPL: running average power limit       = false
   Physical Address and Linear Address Size (0x80000008/eax):
      maximum physical address bits         = 0x2e (46)
      maximum linear (virtual) address bits = 0x30 (48)
      maximum guest physical address bits   = 0x0 (0)
   Extended Feature Extensions ID (0x80000008/ebx):
      CLZERO instruction                       = false
      instructions retired count support       = false
      always save/restore error pointers       = false
      RDPRU instruction                        = false
      memory bandwidth enforcement             = false
      WBNOINVD instruction                     = false
      IBPB: indirect branch prediction barrier = false
      IBRS: indirect branch restr speculation  = false
      STIBP: 1 thr indirect branch predictor   = false
      STIBP always on preferred mode           = false
      ppin processor id number supported       = false
      SSBD: speculative store bypass disable   = false
      virtualized SSBD                         = false
      SSBD fixed in hardware                   = false
   Size Identifiers (0x80000008/ecx):
      number of CPU cores                 = 0x1 (1)
      ApicIdCoreIdSize                    = 0x0 (0)
      performance time-stamp counter size = 0x0 (0)
   Feature Extended Size (0x80000008/edx):
      RDPRU instruction max input support = 0x0 (0)
   (multi-processing synth) = multi-core (c=32), hyper-threaded (t=2)
   (multi-processing method) = Intel leaf 0xb
   (APIC widths synth): CORE_width=6 SMT_width=1
   (APIC synth): PKG_ID=0 CORE_ID=0 SMT_ID=0
   (uarch synth) = Intel Sunny Cove {Sunny Cove}, 10nm
   (synth) = Intel Core (Ice Lake) [Sunny Cove] {Sunny Cove}, 10nm

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