Saurav, Please, no "." at the end of Subject: lines. > - Problem: Port not coming up after bringing down the port > for longer duration. > - Bring down the port from the switch > - wait for fipvlan to exhaust, driver will use > default vlan (1002) and call fcoe_ctlr_link_up > - libfc/fcoe will start sending FLOGI > - bring back the port and switch discard FLOGI > because vlan is different. > - keep track of pending flogi and if it increases > certain number then do ctx reset and it will do > fipvlan again. That doesn't look like a proper commit message. How about something like: If a port is brought down for an extended period of time, the fipvlan counter gets exhausted and the driver will fall back to default VLAN 1002 and call fcoe_ctlr_link_up to log in. However, the switch will discard the FLOGI attempt because the VLAN is now different. Keep track of the number of FLOGI attempts and if a threshold of QEDF_FLOGI_RETRY_CNT is exceeded, perform a context soft reset. -- Martin K. Petersen Oracle Linux Engineering