On Wed, 2019-03-27 at 12:11 -0400, Martin K. Petersen wrote: +AD4 Commit a83da8a4509d (+ACI-scsi: sd: Optimal I/O size should be a multiple +AD4 of physical block size+ACI) split one conditional into several separate +AD4 statements in an effort to provide more accurate warning messages when +AD4 a device reports a nonsensical value. However, this reorganization +AD4 accidentally dropped the precondition of the reported value being +AD4 larger than zero. This lead to a warning getting emitted on devices +AD4 that do not report an optimal I/O size at all. +AD4 +AD4 Remain silent if a device does not report an optimal I/O size. +AD4 +AD4 Fixes: a83da8a4509d (+ACI-scsi: sd: Optimal I/O size should be a multiple of physical block size+ACI) +AD4 Reported-by: Hussam Al-Tayeb +ADw-ht990332+AEA-gmx.com+AD4 +AD4 Cc: Randy Dunlap +ADw-rdunlap+AEA-infradead.org+AD4 +AD4 Cc: +ADw-stable+AEA-vger.kernel.org+AD4 +AD4 Signed-off-by: Martin K. Petersen +ADw-martin.petersen+AEA-oracle.com+AD4 Reviewed-by: Bart Van Assche +ADw-bvanassche+AEA-acm.org+AD4