On Tue, 2019-02-26 at 16:00 +-0100, Hannes Reinecke wrote: +AD4 From: Hannes Reinecke +ADw-hare+AEA-suse.com+AD4 +AD4 +AD4 no+AF8-scsi2+AF8-lun+AF8-in+AF8-cdb declares a new bitfield, but we should +AD4 rather move it to the existing bitfield for better alignment. +AD4 +AD4 Signed-off-by: Hannes Reinecke +ADw-hare+AEA-suse.com+AD4 +AD4 --- +AD4 include/scsi/scsi+AF8-host.h +AHw 6 +-+-+---- +AD4 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+-), 3 deletions(-) +AD4 +AD4 diff --git a/include/scsi/scsi+AF8-host.h b/include/scsi/scsi+AF8-host.h +AD4 index 83ce8580f150..86f09eeb7d72 100644 +AD4 --- a/include/scsi/scsi+AF8-host.h +AD4 +-+-+- b/include/scsi/scsi+AF8-host.h +AD4 +AEAAQA -632,6 +-632,9 +AEAAQA struct Scsi+AF8-Host +AHs +AD4 /+ACo Host responded with short (+ADw-36 bytes) INQUIRY result +ACo-/ +AD4 unsigned short+AF8-inquiry:1+ADs +AD4 +AD4 +- /+ACo The transport requires the LUN bits NOT to be stored in CDB+AFs-1+AF0 +ACo-/ +AD4 +- unsigned no+AF8-scsi2+AF8-lun+AF8-in+AF8-cdb:1+ADs +AD4 +- +AD4 /+ACo +AD4 +ACo Optional work queue to be utilized by the transport +AD4 +ACo-/ +AD4 +AEAAQA -643,9 +-646,6 +AEAAQA struct Scsi+AF8-Host +AHs +AD4 +ACo-/ +AD4 struct workqueue+AF8-struct +ACo-tmf+AF8-work+AF8-q+ADs +AD4 +AD4 - /+ACo The transport requires the LUN bits NOT to be stored in CDB+AFs-1+AF0 +ACo-/ +AD4 - unsigned no+AF8-scsi2+AF8-lun+AF8-in+AF8-cdb:1+ADs +AD4 - +AD4 /+ACo +AD4 +ACo Value host+AF8-blocked counts down from +AD4 +ACo-/ Hi Hannes, Does this patch really affect the alignment of the structure members or does it rather reduce the structure size? Anyway, reducing the structure size looks like a good idea to me. Bart.