On Thu, 2019-02-21 at 10:18 +-0100, Benjamin Block wrote: +AD4 Looking at the code of scsi+AF8-alloc+AF8-sdev(), and all the calling contexts, +AD4 there seems to be no reason to use GFP+AF8-ATMOIC here. All the different +AD4 call-contexts use a mutex at some point, and nothing in between that +AD4 requires no sleeping, as far as I could see. Additionally, the code that +AD4 later allocates the block queue for the device (scsi+AF8-mq+AF8-alloc+AF8-queue()) +AD4 already uses GFP+AF8-KERNEL. +AD4 +AD4 +AD4 +AFs ... +AF0 +AD4 +AD4 So replace all these, and give them a bit of a better chance to succeed, +AD4 with more chances of reclaim. Reviewed-by: Bart Van Assche +ADw-bvanassche+AEA-acm.org+AD4