On Wed, 2019-02-13 at 10:53 -0800, Himanshu Madhani wrote: +AD4 +- ha-+AD4-free+AF8-fcport +AD0 create+AF8-workqueue(+ACI-free+AF8-fcport+ACI)+ADs +AD4 +- if (+ACE-ha-+AD4-free+AF8-fcport) +AHs +AD4 +- ql+AF8-log(ql+AF8-log+AF8-info, base+AF8-vha, 0xee00, +AD4 +- +ACI-Failed to allocate workqueue ha-+AD4-free+AF8-fcport+AFw-n+ACI)+ADs +AD4 +- +AH0 Above this code either an explanation should be added why the system work queues are not appropriate or this code should be modified such that it uses one of the system workqueues. Bart.