On Tue, 2019-01-22 at 18:30 -0500, Douglas Gilbert wrote: +AD4 This patchset needs something like the following if UAS (USB Attached +AD4 SCSI) is configured in your kernel. +AD4 +AD4 Beware of tabs/spaces/line+AF8-wraps as this is a cut and paste: +AD4 +AD4 diff --git a/drivers/usb/storage/uas.c b/drivers/usb/storage/uas.c +AD4 index 36742e8e7edc..24f3f95917a5 100644 +AD4 --- a/drivers/usb/storage/uas.c +AD4 +-+-+- b/drivers/usb/storage/uas.c +AD4 +AEAAQA -401,9 +-401,9 +AEAAQA static void uas+AF8-data+AF8-cmplt(struct urb +ACo-urb) +AD4 if (status +ACEAPQ -ENOENT +ACYAJg status +ACEAPQ -ECONNRESET +ACYAJg status +ACEAPQ +AD4 -ESHUTDOWN) +AD4 uas+AF8-log+AF8-cmd+AF8-state(cmnd, +ACI-data cmplt err+ACI, status)+ADs +AD4 /+ACo error: no data transfered +ACo-/ +AD4 - sdb-+AD4-resid +AD0 sdb-+AD4-length+ADs +AD4 +- scsi+AF8-in+AF8-set+AF8-resid(cmnd, sdb-+AD4-length)+ADs +AD4 +AH0 else +AHs +AD4 - sdb-+AD4-resid +AD0 sdb-+AD4-length - urb-+AD4-actual+AF8-length+ADs +AD4 +- scsi+AF8-in+AF8-set+AF8-resid(cmnd, sdb-+AD4-length - urb-+AD4-actual+AF8-length)+ADs +AD4 +AH0 +AD4 uas+AF8-try+AF8-complete(cmnd, +AF8AXw-func+AF8AXw)+ADs +AD4 out: Thanks Doug+ACE I will fold a slightly modified version of this patch in. BTW, does this mean that you have been able to test this patch series? Bart.