On Thu, 2018-11-29 at 02:01 +-0100, David Disseldorp wrote: +AD4 +-static ssize+AF8-t target+AF8-wwn+AF8-vendor+AF8-id+AF8-show(struct config+AF8-item +ACo-item, +AD4 +- char +ACo-page) +AD4 +-+AHs +AD4 +- return sprintf(page, +ACIAJQ-s+AFw-n+ACI, +ACY-to+AF8-t10+AF8-wwn(item)-+AD4-vendor+AFs-0+AF0)+ADs +AD4 +-+AH0 The +ACIAJgAi and +ACIAWw-0+AF0AIg are superfluous in the above sprintf() statement. +AD4 +-static ssize+AF8-t target+AF8-wwn+AF8-vendor+AF8-id+AF8-store(struct config+AF8-item +ACo-item, +AD4 +- const char +ACo-page, size+AF8-t count) +AD4 +-+AHs +AD4 +- struct t10+AF8-wwn +ACo-t10+AF8-wwn +AD0 to+AF8-t10+AF8-wwn(item)+ADs +AD4 +- struct se+AF8-device +ACo-dev +AD0 t10+AF8-wwn-+AD4-t10+AF8-dev+ADs +AD4 +- unsigned char buf+AFs-INQUIRY+AF8-VENDOR+AF8-LEN +- 1+AF0AOw +AD4 +- +AD4 +- if (strlen(page) +AD4 INQUIRY+AF8-VENDOR+AF8-LEN) +AHs +AD4 +- pr+AF8-err(+ACI-Emulated T10 Vendor Identification exceeds+ACI +AD4 +- +ACI INQUIRY+AF8-VENDOR+AF8-LEN: +ACI +AF8AXw-stringify(INQUIRY+AF8-VENDOR+AF8-LEN) +AD4 +- +ACIAXA-n+ACI)+ADs +AD4 +- return -EOVERFLOW+ADs +AD4 +- +AH0 Does this force users to use +ACI-echo -n+ACI to configure vendor IDs that are INQUIRY+AF8-VENDOR+AF8-LEN bytes long? Bart.