Re: [CMT 13/16] qla4xxx: driver review ql4_nvram.h

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I personally prefer the c++ style comments, but that's not the
linux convention.  Especially not for new code.

By chance, is this file a clone of something for the FC cards?  :)
The #define guarding the contents does not match the filename.

Many #define's are not used anywhere.

Use of M$ style struct names is strongly frowned on, along with the
use of typedefs.

diff --git a/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_nvram.h b/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_nvram.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9799ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/scsi/qla4xxx/ql4_nvram.h
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+ * QLogic iSCSI HBA Driver
+ * Copyright (c)  2003-2006 QLogic Corporation
+ *
+ * See LICENSE.qla4xxx for copyright and licensing details.
+ */
+#ifndef _QL2XNVRM_H_
+#define _QL2XNVRM_H_
+// AM29LV Flash definitions
+#define  FM93C56A_SIZE_8      0x100


+#define  FM93C56A_SIZE_16     0x80


+#define  FM93C66A_SIZE_8      0x200


+#define  FM93C66A_SIZE_16     0x100	/* 4010 */
+#define  FM93C86A_SIZE_16     0x400	/* 4022 */
+#define  FM93C56A_START       0x1


+// Commands
+#define  FM93C56A_READ        0x2
+#define  FM93C56A_WEN         0x0


+#define  FM93C56A_WRITE       0x1


+#define  FM93C56A_WRITE_ALL   0x0


+#define  FM93C56A_WDS         0x0


+#define  FM93C56A_ERASE       0x3


+#define  FM93C56A_ERASE_ALL   0x0


+// Command Extentions
+#define  FM93C56A_WEN_EXT        0x3


+#define  FM93C56A_WRITE_ALL_EXT  0x1


+#define  FM93C56A_WDS_EXT        0x0


+#define  FM93C56A_ERASE_ALL_EXT  0x2


+// Address Bits
+#define  FM93C56A_NO_ADDR_BITS_16   8	/* 4010 */
+#define  FM93C56A_NO_ADDR_BITS_8    9	/* 4010 */


+#define  FM93C86A_NO_ADDR_BITS_16   10	/* 4022 */
+// Data Bits
+#define  FM93C56A_DATA_BITS_16   16
+#define  FM93C56A_DATA_BITS_8    8


+// Special Bits
+#define  FM93C56A_READ_DUMMY_BITS   1


+#define  FM93C56A_READY             0


+#define  FM93C56A_BUSY              1


+#define  FM93C56A_CMD_BITS          2
+// Auburn Bits
+#define  AUBURN_EEPROM_DI           0x8


+#define  AUBURN_EEPROM_DI_0         0x0


+#define  AUBURN_EEPROM_DI_1         0x8
+#define  AUBURN_EEPROM_DO           0x4


+#define  AUBURN_EEPROM_DO_0         0x0
+#define  AUBURN_EEPROM_DO_1         0x4
+#define  AUBURN_EEPROM_CS           0x2


+#define  AUBURN_EEPROM_CS_0         0x0
+#define  AUBURN_EEPROM_CS_1         0x2
+#define  AUBURN_EEPROM_CLK_RISE     0x1
+#define  AUBURN_EEPROM_CLK_FALL     0x0
+// EEPROM format
+typedef struct _BIOS_PARAMS {
+	uint16_t SpinUpDelay:1;
+	uint16_t BIOSDisable:1;
+	uint16_t MMAPEnable:1;
+	uint16_t BootEnable:1;
+	uint16_t Reserved0:12;
+	uint8_t bootID0:7;
+	uint8_t bootID0Valid:1;
+	uint8_t bootLUN0[8];
+	uint8_t bootID1:7;
+	uint8_t bootID1Valid:1;
+	uint8_t bootLUN1[8];
+	uint16_t MaxLunsPerTarget;
+	uint8_t Reserved1[10];


+typedef struct _EEPROM_PORT_CFG {
+	// MTU MAC 0
+	u16 etherMtu_mac;
+	// Flow Control MAC 0
+	u16 pauseThreshold_mac;
+	u16 resumeThreshold_mac;
+	u16 reserved[13];


+typedef struct _EEPROM_FUNCTION_CFG {
+	u8 reserved[30];
+	u8 macAddress[6];
+	u8 macAddressSecondary[6];
+	u16 subsysVendorId;
+	u16 subsysDeviceId;


+typedef struct {
+	union {
+		struct {	/* isp4010 */
+			u8 asic_id[4];	// x00
+			u8 version;	// x04
+			u8 reserved;	// x05
+			u16 board_id;	// x06


+#  define   EEPROM_BOARDID_PLACER      2


+#  define EEPROM_SERIAL_NUM_SIZE       16
+			u8 serial_number[EEPROM_SERIAL_NUM_SIZE];	// x08
+			// ExtHwConfig:
+			// Offset = 24bytes
+			//
+			// | SSRAM Size|     |ST|PD|SDRAM SZ| W| B| SP  |  |
+			// |15|14|13|12|11|10| 9| 8 | 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
+			// +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+			u16 ext_hw_conf;	// x18


+			u8 mac0[6];	// x1A
+			u8 mac1[6];	// x20
+			u8 mac2[6];	// x26
+			u8 mac3[6];	// x2C
+			u16 etherMtu;	// x32
+			u16 macConfig;	// x34
+#define  MAC_CONFIG_ENABLE_ANEG     0x0001


+#define  MAC_CONFIG_ENABLE_PAUSE    0x0002


+			u16 phyConfig;	// x36
+#define  PHY_CONFIG_PHY_ADDR_MASK             0x1f




+			u16 topcat;	// x38
+#define TOPCAT_PRESENT		0x0100
+#define TOPCAT_MASK		0xFF00
+#  define EEPROM_UNUSED_1_SIZE   2
+			u8 unused_1[EEPROM_UNUSED_1_SIZE];	// x3A
+			u16 bufletSize;	// x3C
+			u16 bufletCount;	// x3E
+			u16 bufletPauseThreshold;	// x40
+			u16 tcpWindowThreshold50;	// x42
+			u16 tcpWindowThreshold25;	// x44
+			u16 tcpWindowThreshold0;	// x46
+			u16 ipHashTableBaseHi;	// x48
+			u16 ipHashTableBaseLo;	// x4A
+			u16 ipHashTableSize;	// x4C
+			u16 tcpHashTableBaseHi;	// x4E
+			u16 tcpHashTableBaseLo;	// x50
+			u16 tcpHashTableSize;	// x52
+			u16 ncbTableBaseHi;	// x54
+			u16 ncbTableBaseLo;	// x56
+			u16 ncbTableSize;	// x58
+			u16 drbTableBaseHi;	// x5A
+			u16 drbTableBaseLo;	// x5C
+			u16 drbTableSize;	// x5E
+#  define EEPROM_UNUSED_2_SIZE   4
+			u8 unused_2[EEPROM_UNUSED_2_SIZE];	// x60
+			u16 ipReassemblyTimeout;	// x64
+			u16 tcpMaxWindowSizeHi;	// x66
+			u16 tcpMaxWindowSizeLo;	// x68
+			u32 net_ip_addr0;	// x6A /* Added for TOE functionality. */
+			u32 net_ip_addr1;	// x6E
+			u32 scsi_ip_addr0;	// x72
+			u32 scsi_ip_addr1;	// x76
+#  define EEPROM_UNUSED_3_SIZE   128	/* changed from 144 to account for ip addresses */
+			u8 unused_3[EEPROM_UNUSED_3_SIZE];	// x7A
+			u16 subsysVendorId_f0;	// xFA
+			u16 subsysDeviceId_f0;	// xFC
+			// Address = 0x7F
+#  define FM93C56A_SIGNATURE  0x9356


+#  define FM93C66A_SIGNATURE  0x9366


+			u16 signature;	// xFE
+#  define EEPROM_UNUSED_4_SIZE   250
+			u8 unused_4[EEPROM_UNUSED_4_SIZE];	// x100
+			u16 subsysVendorId_f1;	// x1FA
+			u16 subsysDeviceId_f1;	// x1FC
+			u16 checksum;	// x1FE
+		} __attribute__ ((packed)) isp4010;
+		struct {	/* isp4022 */
+			u8 asicId[4];	// x00
+			u8 version;	// x04
+			u8 reserved_5;	// x05
+			u16 boardId;	// x06
+			u8 boardIdStr[16];	// x08
+			u8 serialNumber[16];	// x18
+			// External Hardware Configuration
+			u16 ext_hw_conf;	// x28
+			EEPROM_PORT_CFG macCfg_port0;	// x2A
+			EEPROM_PORT_CFG macCfg_port1;	// x4A
+			// DDR SDRAM Configuration
+			u16 bufletSize;	// x6A
+			u16 bufletCount;	// x6C
+			u16 tcpWindowThreshold50;	// x6E
+			u16 tcpWindowThreshold25;	// x70
+			u16 tcpWindowThreshold0;	// x72
+			u16 ipHashTableBaseHi;	// x74
+			u16 ipHashTableBaseLo;	// x76
+			u16 ipHashTableSize;	// x78
+			u16 tcpHashTableBaseHi;	// x7A
+			u16 tcpHashTableBaseLo;	// x7C
+			u16 tcpHashTableSize;	// x7E
+			u16 ncbTableBaseHi;	// x80
+			u16 ncbTableBaseLo;	// x82
+			u16 ncbTableSize;	// x84
+			u16 drbTableBaseHi;	// x86
+			u16 drbTableBaseLo;	// x88
+			u16 drbTableSize;	// x8A
+			u16 reserved_142[4];	// x8C
+			// TCP/IP Parameters
+			u16 ipReassemblyTimeout;	// x94
+			u16 tcpMaxWindowSize;	// x96
+			u16 ipSecurity;	// x98
+			u8 reserved_156[294];	// x9A
+			u16 qDebug[8];	// QLOGIC USE ONLY   x1C0
+			EEPROM_FUNCTION_CFG funcCfg_fn0;	// x1D0
+			u16 reserved_510;	// x1FE
+			// Address = 512
+			u8 oemSpace[432];	// x200
+			BIOS_PARAMS sBIOSParams_fn1;	// x3B0
+			EEPROM_FUNCTION_CFG funcCfg_fn1;	// x3D0
+			u16 reserved_1022;	// x3FE
+			// Address = 1024
+			u8 reserved_1024[464];	// x400
+			EEPROM_FUNCTION_CFG funcCfg_fn2;	// x5D0
+			u16 reserved_1534;	// x5FE
+			// Address = 1536
+			u8 reserved_1536[432];	// x600
+			BIOS_PARAMS sBIOSParams_fn3;	// x7B0
+			EEPROM_FUNCTION_CFG funcCfg_fn3;	// x7D0
+			u16 checksum;	// x7FE
+		} __attribute__ ((packed)) isp4022;
+	};
+} eeprom_data_t;


+    (IS_QLA4022(ha) ? \
+     offsetof(eeprom_data_t, isp4022.ext_hw_conf) / 2 : \
+     offsetof(eeprom_data_t, isp4010.ext_hw_conf) / 2)
+ *
+ *			Hardware Semaphore
+ *
+ *************************************************************************/
+#if 0


+// Semaphore register definitions
+#define SEM_AVAILABLE        	0x00
+#define SEM_OWNER_FIRMWARE   	0x01
+#define SEM_OWNER_STORAGE    	0x02
+#define SEM_OWNER_NETWORK    	0x03
+// Private Semaphore definitions
+typedef enum { SEM_HW_LOCK, SEM_GPO, SEM_SDRAM_INIT, SEM_PHY_GBIC, SEM_NVRAM, SEM_FLASH, SEM_COUNT	// Not a real semaphore, just indicates how many there are
+typedef struct {
+	uint32_t semId;
+	uint32_t semShift;
+} isp4xxxSemInfo_t;
+#define SEM_MASK  0x3
+/* Wait flag defines -- specifies type of wait to acquire semaphore */
+#define SEM_FLG_NO_WAIT		0
+#endif				/*  */
+#endif				// _QL2XNVRM_H_
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