RE: aix79xx driver status

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>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jens Laas [mailto:jens.laas@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>Sent: Wed 9/21/2005 12:54 PM
>To: Strand Åge
>Cc: linux-scsi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: aix79xx driver status
>(05.09.21 kl.11:44) Strand Åge skrev följande till linux-scsi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to debug an md RAID problem and was looking into aic79xx 
>> driver version, and now I'm confused.
>> I'm having problems with an md RAID running off an Adaptec 39320A-R card 
>> (14 disks, one hot spare). I'm getting PKT busfree errors at random 
>> intervals which result in RAID disks going offline - so I'm keen to see 
>> if a driver update may help.
>Ill just add that we have seen PKT busfree errors too (which take the card 
>offline) with this driver.
>(Adaptec ASC-39320D if I remember correctly).

Hm. "Good" to hear I'm not alone :-)
Have you tried replacing the controller with some other brand? 

I wonder if this is just an Adaptec related issue or if it relates to problems with the md driver as well.
Sometimes the PKT bug triggers another bug in the md driver which basically makes the md driver try to update the superblock 100 times (hard coded value) before failing. I'm running a 2.6.9 kernel, the md bug has been fixed in later kernels, according to Neil Brown - IIRC. 

>Also confused about versions and how they relate.

Yes, the version numbering is a bit confusing. On the linux-scsi mailing list I have seen messages about paches going into the aic7xxx/79xx tree as late as 2004, but there has been no update to the version numbers. It would be nice if someone could explain that one for me.

Anyhow, according to another message on this list there was a change in maintainer back i June 2004, where Justin T. Gibbs gave it up to Luben Tuikov, then working for Adaptec. I'll try to see if I can get in touch with him. 

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