Hi John! Sorry, forgot to hit "reply all". So here it goes again :) With a little clarification as well.. On 20/12/2024 15:05, John Ogness wrote:
There are various kernel configurations that affect latency. But I am curious... Why do you think a maximum latency of 80us on an $80 board is large?
Simply because 80 us are an "eternity" 😉 That's like 192000 cycles at 2.4Ghz. And also because other slow systems (like that Celeron j4125 board I have) behave much better even at similar clock speeds (EDIT: IIRC). I don't think the price point has anything to do with it really. EDIT: Don't get me wrong though. 80 us are OK for my use case (audio processing) - I just wonder if it might be even better.
What maximum latencies are you expecting? And why do you think it is not "under control"?
I would _wish_ for latencies in the low tens of microseconds 🙂 I do not expect anything. Kind regards, FPS