On Tue, 7 Jun 2022 13:24:06 +0000, Willett, Tony wrote: >mailto:lab@panda:~/linux-5.13$ make -j8 deb-pkg Hi, a long time ago I was used to build Debian rt patched kernels. When I migrated to Ubuntu I continued building kernels the Debian way. Referring to a script I wrote in 2013 to build an Ubuntu linux-rt package the Debian way: export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=8 make-kpkg clean make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --initrd kernel-image kernel-headers I exported CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=2. Since you are using make with the -j8 option, it probably should be CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=8 for you. However, I don't know what changed within the years. I build at least one kernel after that seemingly not using the script, but don't have notes at hand. I remember that before or after that time something related to fakeroot changed, but IIRC I always used make-kpkg to build Debian and Ubuntu kernel packages. Probably with something else, but the --rootcmd fakeroot option. The package containing the command make-kpkg was removed in 2020, see https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/kernel-package . But some Debian rekleases might still provide it. Ubuntu 20.04LTS and earlier still provide it, see https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=focal&searchon=names&keywords=kernel-package , but later Ubuntu releases don't. If your Debian release's repos should provide it, consider to test using make-kpkg, if not consider to ask on a Debian user mailing list how to build a Debian kernel package nowadays. Alternatively you could build and install a kernel without building a package at all. Nowadays I build kernel packages for Arch Linux only. Arch does use a completely different package management. Regards, Ralf