Dear all, after reading the recent article on local locks, I have just quickly updated the Real-time Linux wiki page: 1. Adding a short blog post referring to the article. ====== Local locks in the kernel ====== Marta Rybczyńska summarizes the Real-time Linux Project's work on making the locking APIs carry more semantic information, and hence allow the underlying kernel execution to be safe when being more flexible, e.g., allow more kinds of preemption, in the article [[|Local locks in the kernel]]. This article shows nicely the needs and challenges on reworking the kernel's core API "just to make Linux real-time, but done right". Initially motivated by the needs for real-time systems, the locking API in the kernel has improved in clarity for the overall kernel community, i.e., all kernel developers and users. 2. Adding some reference to the Linux Plumbers Real-Time MC on the events section. So, just some minor things to keep the page up to recent events. If there are any objections, let me know or simply edit or revert my changes. Best regards, Lukas