ARMv7 futex latency spike

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I wrote a C program to check jitter levels in userspace (source attached), ran it on various kernels (3.14.19-rt9, 3.18.9-rt5 and 4.1.5-rt5) and on multiple machines. The problem I'm describing here does not reproduce on x86 architectures, only on the armv7 ones with all those kernels, specifically xilinx zynq Z-7020 and raspberrypi 2.

The C program simulates some workloads using timed busy waits inside and outside a mutex lock. I have two threads which acquire that mutex in a loop, one with high priority called "High-prio******" (CPU1) and a normal priority one called "Low-prio******" (no CPU affinity). There is also a third thread called "Busy-loop******" (CPU1) which has 1 level lesser priority than "High-prio******", and it should be running on CPU1 when the high priority thread is not.

The jitter is measured between two acquisitions of the mutex in "High-prio******" thread and the numbers I get are from 20-30us to 120us for ex.

Considering these results show high jitter, I've created traces to understand what is happening. trace-cmd adds more jiiter, so the values are between 40-60us to almost 200us, but the jitter spikes still reproduce. When jitter is high, the "High-prio******" thread does priority inheritace and waits on the "Low-prio******" thread twice. This second priority inheritace is suspicious since "Low-prio******" is already in the mutex/futex unlock syscall. Normally there is only one priority inheritance before "High-prio******" acquires the lock and continues to run.

This is a most intruiguing part in one of the traces from the zynq machine (full trace at [1], also from rpi2 at [2]):

Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412116: sys_enter: NR 240 (11524, 86, 220, b6e46920, 51f, 0)
Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412198: sys_exit: NR 240 = 0
High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412223: sys_enter: NR 263 (1, b6e05e30, 1290, 1, 0, 0)
High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412226: sys_exit: NR 263 = 0
High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412229: sys_enter: NR 240 (11524, 86, 1, 0, 11524, b6e06920) Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412238: sched_stat_runtime: comm=Low-prio****** pid=1311 runtime=15384 [ns] vruntime=945770545539 [ns] Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412243: sched_switch: Low-prio******:1311 [120] R ==> trace-cmd:1308 [120] High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412248: sched_pi_setprio: comm=Low-prio****** pid=1311 oldprio=120 newprio=40
trace-cmd-1308 [000] 12165.412251: sys_exit: NR 162 = 0
High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412251: sched_stat_runtime: comm=trace-cmd pid=1308 runtime=12957 [ns] vruntime=945764543112 [ns]
trace-cmd-1308 [000] 12165.412255: sys_enter: NR 340 (5, 0, 8, 0, 1000, 1)
trace-cmd-1308 [000] 12165.412263: sched_stat_runtime: comm=trace-cmd pid=1308 runtime=11568 [ns] vruntime=945764554680 [ns] High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412266: sched_switch: High-prio******:1312 [40] S ==> Busy-loop******:1313 [41] trace-cmd-1308 [000] 12165.412268: sched_switch: trace-cmd:1308 [120] R ==> Low-prio******:1311 [40] Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412273: sys_enter: NR 263 (1, b6e45e20, 220, b6e45e20, 0, 0)
Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412276: sys_exit: NR 263 = 0
Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412280: sys_enter: NR 240 (11524, 87, 220, b6e46920, 51f, 0) Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412295: sched_wakeup: High-prio******:1312 [40] success=1 CPU:001 Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412300: sched_pi_setprio: comm=Low-prio****** pid=1311 oldprio=40 newprio=120 Busy-loop******-1313 [001] 12165.412301: sched_switch: Busy-loop******:1313 [41] R ==> High-prio******:1312 [40] Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412306: sched_stat_runtime: comm=Low-prio****** pid=1311 runtime=2136 [ns] vruntime=945770547675 [ns] Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412312: sched_stat_runtime: comm=Low-prio****** pid=1311 runtime=6441 [ns] vruntime=945770554116 [ns] Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412316: sched_switch: Low-prio******:1311 [120] R ==> trace-cmd:1308 [120] High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412321: sched_pi_setprio: comm=Low-prio****** pid=1311 oldprio=120 newprio=40 High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412324: sched_stat_runtime: comm=trace-cmd pid=1308 runtime=11910 [ns] vruntime=945764566590 [ns] trace-cmd-1308 [000] 12165.412335: sched_stat_runtime: comm=trace-cmd pid=1308 runtime=9912 [ns] vruntime=945764576502 [ns] High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412337: sched_switch: High-prio******:1312 [40] D ==> Busy-loop******:1313 [41] trace-cmd-1308 [000] 12165.412340: sched_switch: trace-cmd:1308 [120] R ==> Low-prio******:1311 [40] Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412352: sched_wakeup: High-prio******:1312 [40] success=1 CPU:001 Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412356: sched_pi_setprio: comm=Low-prio****** pid=1311 oldprio=40 newprio=120 Busy-loop******-1313 [001] 12165.412356: sched_switch: Busy-loop******:1313 [41] R ==> High-prio******:1312 [40] Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412361: sched_stat_runtime: comm=Low-prio****** pid=1311 runtime=1998 [ns] vruntime=945770556114 [ns] Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412368: sched_stat_runtime: comm=Low-prio****** pid=1311 runtime=6108 [ns] vruntime=945770562222 [ns]
High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412370: sys_exit: NR 240 = 0
Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412372: sched_switch: Low-prio******:1311 [120] R ==> trace-cmd:1308 [120] High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412374: sys_enter: NR 263 (1, b6e05e10, 26c, b6e05e10, 0, 0)
High-prio******-1312 [001] 12165.412377: sys_exit: NR 263 = 0
Low-prio******-1311 [000] 12165.412519: sys_exit: NR 240 = 0

At .412229, "High-prio******" does a futex lock (system call 240, parameters:11524, 86,) At .412248, "Low-prio******" holds that lock so its priority is raised because "High-prio******" is waiting for it At .412266, CPU1 switches from "High-prio******" to "Busy-loop******" because it is waiting at the lock At .412280, "Low-prio******" wants to release the lock as it has finished its workload (system call 240, parameters: 11524, 87,) At .412295, "Low-prio******" sends wake up event for "High-prio******" to run (probably because it is not holding the lock anymore)
At .412300, "Low-prio******" lowers its priority
At .412301, "High-prio******" gets to run, but this is interesting as in the next steps it won't exit the system call 240 (parameters:11524, 86,) until .412370 At .412321, "Low-prio******"'s priority is raised by "High-prio******" again, as if "High-prio******" is waiting for something, but then why was it woken up before? * did "Low-prio******" acquire the lock again? How could it manage this feat since it is already in the unlock system call? The next steps do the same as the above, raise priority for "Low-prio******" while "High-prio******" waits. "Low-prio******" will wakeup "High-prio******". At .412372 "High-prio******" finally exits the acquire lock system call, 141us later.
Much later, at .412519 "Low-prio******" finishes the unlock call.

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sched.h>

#define TRAINING		(50)
#define ITERATIONS		(10^3)

#define NS_PER_SEC	(10^9)

#define HIGH_PRIO	(59)

#define CORE0_ID	(0)
#define CORE1_ID	(1)

pthread_mutex_t lock;

/* the busyloop & lowpriority threads will loop on this while the high priority
   thread will set it after it finishes all its iterations */
int threads_stop_flag = 0;

/* the high-priority thread uses this struct to find the maximum latency between
   payloads from all its iterations */
struct timespec max_latency = {0, 0};

struct loads
	struct timespec hold_lock_load;
	struct timespec no_lock_load;

int subtract_timespec(struct timespec *x,
		      struct timespec *y,
		      struct timespec *result)
	if (x->tv_nsec < y->tv_nsec) {
		int sec = (y->tv_nsec - x->tv_nsec) / NS_PER_SEC + 1;
		y->tv_nsec -= NS_PER_SEC * sec;
		y->tv_sec += sec;
	if (x->tv_nsec - y->tv_nsec > NS_PER_SEC) {
		int sec = (x->tv_nsec - y->tv_nsec) / NS_PER_SEC;
		y->tv_nsec += NS_PER_SEC * sec;
		y->tv_sec -= sec;

	result->tv_sec = x->tv_sec - y->tv_sec;
	result->tv_nsec = x->tv_nsec - y->tv_nsec;

	return x->tv_sec < y->tv_sec;

int compare_timespec(struct timespec *x,
		     struct timespec *y)
	if (x->tv_sec > y->tv_sec)
		return 1;
	if (x->tv_sec == y->tv_sec)
		if (x->tv_nsec == y->tv_nsec)
			return 0;
		if (x->tv_nsec > y->tv_nsec)
			return 1;
	return -1;

int setup_rt_pthread(int prio, int cpu, const char* name)
	struct sched_param schedp;
	cpu_set_t cpuset;
	pthread_t thread = pthread_self();
	int error = 0;

	memset(&schedp, 0, sizeof(schedp));

	schedp.sched_priority = prio;
	error = pthread_setschedparam(thread, SCHED_FIFO, &schedp);
	if (error)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Couldn't setschedparam, returned %d\n", name, error);

	CPU_SET(cpu, &cpuset);
	error = pthread_setaffinity_np(thread, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset);
	if (error)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Couldn't setaffinity, returned %d\n", name, error);

	error = prctl(PR_SET_NAME, name, NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL);
	if (error)
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Couldn't set proc name, returned %d\n", name, error);

	return -error;

inline void do_load(struct timespec load)
	struct timespec loop_start, current, result;

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &loop_start);

	do {
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &current);
		subtract_timespec(&current, &loop_start, &result);
	} while (compare_timespec(&result, &load) <= 0);

void *busy_loop_threadfun(void *busy_loads)
	if (setup_rt_pthread(HIGH_PRIO - 1, CORE1_ID, "Busy-loop******")) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Busy-loop****** setup error");
		return (void*) -1;
	while (!threads_stop_flag); /* loop until high-prio thread signals */

	return 0;

void *low_prio_threadfun(void *low_loads)
	struct loads *load = (struct loads*) low_loads;

	if (prctl(PR_SET_NAME, "Low-prio******", NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Low--prio****** setup error");
		return (void*) -1;

	while (!threads_stop_flag) {

	return 0;

void *high_prio_threadfun(void* high_loads)
	struct loads *load = (struct loads*)high_loads;
	struct timespec prev, cur, latency;
	int i;

	if (setup_rt_pthread(HIGH_PRIO, CORE1_ID, "High-prio******")) 
		fprintf(stderr, "High-prio****** setup error");
		threads_stop_flag = 1;
		return (void*) -1;

	clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &prev);

	/* runs the payloads and computes latencies between them, stores max;
	   the first iterations are for training, so no latency is stored */
	for (i = HIGH_THD_ITERATIONS; i > 0; --i) {

		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &cur);
		subtract_timespec(&cur, &prev, &latency);
		subtract_timespec(&latency, &load->hold_lock_load, &latency);
		subtract_timespec(&latency, &load->no_lock_load, &latency);

		if (i <= ITERATIONS &&
		    compare_timespec(&latency, &max_latency) > 0) {
			max_latency.tv_sec = latency.tv_sec;
			max_latency.tv_nsec = latency.tv_nsec;

		prev = cur;

	threads_stop_flag = 1;

	return 0;

unsigned int initialize_mutex()
	pthread_mutexattr_t lock_attr;
	unsigned int error = 0;

	memset(&lock, 0, sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
	error = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&lock_attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL);
	error |= pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol(&lock_attr, PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT);
	error |= pthread_mutex_init(&lock, &lock_attr);

	return error;

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
	pthread_t low_prio_thd, high_prio_thd, busy_loop_thd;
	struct loads high_prio_load = {{0,1001},{0,1001}};
	struct loads low_prio_load = {{0,1001},{0,1001}};

	if (initialize_mutex())
		return -1;

	pthread_create(&low_prio_thd, NULL, &low_prio_threadfun, (void *) &low_prio_load);
	pthread_create(&high_prio_thd, NULL, &high_prio_threadfun, (void *) &high_prio_load);
	pthread_create(&busy_loop_thd, NULL, &busy_loop_threadfun, NULL);

	pthread_join(low_prio_thd, NULL);
	pthread_join(high_prio_thd, NULL);
	pthread_join(busy_loop_thd, NULL);


	printf("Highest latency: %li\n", max_latency.tv_sec * NS_PER_SEC + max_latency.tv_nsec);

	return 0;

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