Hi All ! RTLWS15 is shaping up nicely - find an overview below - hope to see some of you at RTLWS 15 in Switzerland ! thx! hofrat 15th Real Time Linux Workshop Call for Participation October 28 - 31, 2013 Dipartimento tecnologie innovative Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana Lugano-Manno Switzerland Following the meetings of academics, developers and users of real-time and embedded Linux at the previous 14 Real Time Linux Workshops held world-wide (Vienna, Orlando, Milano, Boston, Valencia, Singapore, Lille, Lanzhou, Linz, Guadalajara, Dresden, Nairobi, Prague and Chapel Hill) - the 2013 Real Time Linux Workshop will come to the Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano-Manno, Switzerland. It will be held from October 28 to October 31, 2013. Rationale: Real-time systems have evolved over the past decades in a relatively calm manner - performance has increased, one can say dramatically, but the main paradigms were pretty stable since the mid 80s. With the considerable increase of computing power, notably with multicore systems becoming mainstream in embedded devices, the requirements on RTOS are shifting and the tools are again trying to catch up. In stark contrast to 1999 (when the first RTLWS took place), Linux has a strong position in all kind of embedded systems, ranging from consumer electronics to network devices and a broad range of industrial applications including safety related systems. The technological resources suitable for high-availability, real-time, and safety critical systems have been continuously expanding and improving - allowing to cover the entire development life cycle of industrial projects based on Open Source tools. At the core of this development is the availability of stable operating systems with reliable real-time properties. Extending and improving the real-time properties of Open Source RTOS is a continuous research and development effort. The OSADL has set itself the ambitious goal to document these efforts and it's most effective tool to do so is the annual Real Time Linux Workshop. Topics Covered: - Modifications and variants of the GNU/Linux operating system and extending its real-time capabilities, - Contributions to real-time Linux variants, drivers and extensions, - Tools for the verification and validation of real-time properties, - User-mode real-time concepts, implementation and experience, - Real-time Linux applications, in academia, research and industry, - Safety related FLOSS systems, - Safety related systems using FLOSS components, - FLOSS Tools used to analyze, verify or validate safety properties, - Work in progress reports, covering recent developments, - Educational material on real-time Linux, - RTOS core concepts, RT-safe synchronization mechanisms, - RT-safe IPC mechanisms for RT and non RT components, - Analysis and benchmarking methods and results of real-time GNU/Linux variants, - Debugging techniques and tools, both for code and temporal debugging of core RTOS components, drivers and real-time applications, - Real-time related extensions to development environments Program Overview 2013: October 28: Parallel paper tracks October 29: Linux kernel developers track Panel discussion "Has the Open Source concept actually arrived at industry yet?" October 30: Parallel paper and safety track October 31: Hands-on seminars RT-Summit report 2013: In the context of RTLWS15 the RT-kernel developers will report on the status and road-map of Preempt-RT in mainline as well as results of the RT-summit which is collocated at RTLWS15 this year. Safety track 2013: With COTS and particularly GNU/Linux moving into safety-critical applications the OSADL Safety Critical Linux Working Group this year again will host a topic session on Open Source in safety related systems. Seminars: On October 31 half-day and full-day seminars will be offered to participants covering development and kernel analysis as well as debugging tools. Late abstract submission: If you wish to present a late work-in-progress report at the workshop, please submit an abstract using the submission page at: https://www.osadl.org/RTLWS-Submission or send it by e-mail to rtlws15@xxxxxxxxx Sponsoring: We are inviting sponsors. Attractive sponsoring packages for Silver, Gold, Platinum and Special sponsors are offered at: https://www.osadl.org/RTLWS-Sponsoring. Registration: In order to participate to the workshop, please register at the RTLWS15 registration page at: https://www.osadl.org/RTLWS-Registration Accommodation: Please refer to the RTLWS15 Hotel page for accommodation: https://www.osadl.org/RTLWS-Hotels Organization committee: Local organizers: - Roberto Bucher, Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana SUPSI, Switzerland OSADL/RTLF: - Carsten Emde, OSADL - Nicholas Mc Guire, OSADL - Andreas Platschek, ICT, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Roberto Bucher Carsten Emde Nicholas Mc Guire Andreas Platschek -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-rt-users" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html