Wolfgang Grandegger wrote:
> Do you still get high latencies with:
> CONFIG_NO_HZ is not set
> With this setting I have not yet realized latencies > 150us. Could you
> please give it a try? If I change one of the parameters above, latency
> increases in short time.
I played through some combination of the RCU options and can back your
observation this time: With the rcu Tracer or the priority boost turned
off I also could measure reliably extraordinory high latencies. If they
are both turned on, no high latencies could be measured. Turning on the
dynamic ticker however doesn't seem to cause high latencies during my
test runs. Seemed like an rcu issue here.
Further such results only appear if the target board is booted with
nfsrootfs. (As I already have mentioned several times before), which
leads my suspection to rcu usage in nfs implementation. In this case
this problem might even be platformindependent. I'd have to do some
tests on one of our arm boards later to test this. Since there're no
reports like this for other architecture as powerpc till now, I doubt
quite if this is verifiable.
Luotao Fu
Dipl.-Ing. Luotao Fu | Phone: +49-5121-206917-3
Pengutronix - Linux Solutions for Science and Industry
Entwicklungszentrum Nord http://www.pengutronix.de
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