Hi Heikki,
Am 20.01.20 um 12:58 schrieb Heikki Krogerus:
Hi Markus,
On Thu, Jan 09, 2020 at 05:29:07PM +0100, Markus Reichl wrote:
I'm working with a ROC-RK3399-PC arm64 board from firefly, circuit sheet [1].
The board is powered from an USB-C type connector via an FUSB302 PD controller.
With measured 15W+ power consumption it should use higher voltage PD modes than
the standard 5V USB-C mode.
When I add the related connector node in DTS [2] the FUSB302 initializes
the right PD mode (e.g. 15V/3A).
But during initialisation the PD is switched off shortly and the board has a blackout.
When I inject a backup supply voltage behind the FUSB302 (e.g. at SYS_12V line) during boot
I can remove the backup after succesfull setting up the PD and the board will run fine.
Is it possible to change the behaviour of the fusb302 driver to not power down the PD supply
during init?
I guess it's also possible that the problem is with tcpm.c instead of
fusb302.c. tcpm.c provides the USB PD state matchines. Guenter! Can
you take a look at this?
Both tcpm.c and fusb302.c create debugfs entries that have a more
detailed log about things that are happening. Can you check what you
have in those (when you boot with the mains cable plugged it)?
With a "dumb" 5V/5A-USB-C supply all is well, no logs included here, but I can supply them.
With a 30W PD-supply plugged in plus a backup supply after USB-C to avoid shutdown
and be able to get the following logs.
(With a 45W PD-supply the "mismatch" is avoided, but the shutdown occurs, too.)
% mount debugfs -t debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
% cat /sys/kernel/debug/tcpm*
% cat /sys/kernel/debug/fusb302/*
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/tcpm-7*
[ 1.476213] Setting voltage/current limit 0 mV 0 mA
[ 1.476217] polarity 0
[ 1.476220] Requesting mux state 0, usb-role 0, orientation 0
[ 1.477044] state change INVALID_STATE -> SNK_UNATTACHED
[ 1.477135] CC1: 0 -> 0, CC2: 0 -> 0 [state SNK_UNATTACHED, polarity 0, disconnected]
[ 1.477153] 7-0022: registered
[ 1.484613] Setting voltage/current limit 0 mV 0 mA
[ 1.484620] polarity 0
[ 1.484625] Requesting mux state 0, usb-role 0, orientation 0
[ 1.485475] cc:=0
[ 1.490308] pending state change PORT_RESET -> PORT_RESET_WAIT_OFF @ 100 ms
[ 1.515626] VBUS off
[ 1.591858] state change PORT_RESET -> PORT_RESET_WAIT_OFF [delayed 100 ms]
[ 1.591877] state change PORT_RESET_WAIT_OFF -> SNK_UNATTACHED
[ 1.591898] Start toggling
[ 1.617555] CC1: 0 -> 0, CC2: 0 -> 5 [state TOGGLING, polarity 0, connected]
[ 1.617565] state change TOGGLING -> SNK_ATTACH_WAIT
[ 1.617588] pending state change SNK_ATTACH_WAIT -> SNK_DEBOUNCED @ 200 ms
[ 1.787923] VBUS on
[ 1.819940] state change SNK_ATTACH_WAIT -> SNK_DEBOUNCED [delayed 200 ms]
[ 1.819963] state change SNK_DEBOUNCED -> SNK_ATTACHED
[ 1.819972] polarity 1
[ 1.819979] Requesting mux state 1, usb-role 2, orientation 2
[ 1.821297] state change SNK_ATTACHED -> SNK_STARTUP
[ 1.821329] state change SNK_STARTUP -> SNK_DISCOVERY
[ 1.821339] Setting voltage/current limit 5000 mV 3000 mA
[ 1.821348] vbus=0 charge:=1
[ 1.821363] state change SNK_DISCOVERY -> SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES
[ 1.828113] pending state change SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 240 ms
[ 1.886496] PD RX, header: 0x5161 [1]
[ 1.886512] PDO 0: type 0, 5000 mV, 3000 mA [E]
[ 1.886521] PDO 1: type 0, 9000 mV, 3000 mA []
[ 1.886530] PDO 2: type 0, 12000 mV, 2500 mA []
[ 1.886539] PDO 3: type 0, 15000 mV, 2000 mA []
[ 1.886547] PDO 4: type 0, 20000 mV, 1500 mA []
[ 1.886581] cc=0 cc1=0 cc2=5 vbus=0 vconn=sink polarity=1
[ 1.886590] Requesting PDO 3: 15000 mV, 2000 mA [mismatch]
[ 1.886597] PD TX, header: 0x1042
[ 1.894100] PD TX complete, status: 0
[ 1.894182] pending state change SNK_NEGOTIATE_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 60 ms
[ 1.896256] PD RX, header: 0x364 [1]
[ 1.906436] pending state change SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 240 ms
[ 2.147890] state change SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND [delayed 240 ms]
[ 2.147900] PD TX, type: 0x5
[ 2.151425] PD TX complete, status: 0
[ 2.151438] state change HARD_RESET_SEND -> HARD_RESET_START
[ 2.156148] state change HARD_RESET_START -> SNK_HARD_RESET_SINK_OFF
[ 2.156154] vconn:=0
[ 2.156163] vbus=0 charge:=0
[ 2.156171] Requesting mux state 1, usb-role 2, orientation 2
[ 2.156956] pending state change SNK_HARD_RESET_SINK_OFF -> SNK_HARD_RESET_SINK_ON @ 650 ms
[ 2.189388] VBUS off
[ 2.189435] pending state change SNK_HARD_RESET_WAIT_VBUS -> SNK_UNATTACHED @ 1275 ms
[ 2.999176] VBUS on
[ 2.999201] Setting voltage/current limit 5000 mV 3000 mA
[ 2.999205] vbus=0 charge:=1
[ 3.000125] state change SNK_HARD_RESET_SINK_ON -> SNK_STARTUP
[ 3.000129] state change SNK_STARTUP -> SNK_DISCOVERY
[ 3.000132] Setting voltage/current limit 5000 mV 3000 mA
[ 3.000135] state change SNK_DISCOVERY -> SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES
[ 3.005828] pending state change SNK_WAIT_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 240 ms
[ 3.099305] PD RX, header: 0x5161 [1]
[ 3.099327] PDO 0: type 0, 5000 mV, 3000 mA [E]
[ 3.099341] PDO 1: type 0, 9000 mV, 3000 mA []
[ 3.099354] PDO 2: type 0, 12000 mV, 2500 mA []
[ 3.099369] PDO 3: type 0, 15000 mV, 2000 mA []
[ 3.099383] PDO 4: type 0, 20000 mV, 1500 mA []
[ 3.099433] cc=0 cc1=0 cc2=5 vbus=0 vconn=sink polarity=1
[ 3.099461] Requesting PDO 3: 15000 mV, 2000 mA [mismatch]
[ 3.099471] PD TX, header: 0x1042
[ 3.106078] PD TX complete, status: 0
[ 3.106191] pending state change SNK_NEGOTIATE_CAPABILITIES -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 60 ms
[ 3.110914] PD RX, header: 0x363 [1]
[ 3.110954] pending state change SNK_TRANSITION_SINK -> HARD_RESET_SEND @ 500 ms
[ 3.264307] PD RX, header: 0x566 [1]
[ 3.264315] Setting voltage/current limit 15000 mV 2000 mA
[ 3.264319] state change SNK_TRANSITION_SINK -> SNK_READY
[ 3.769063] PD RX, header: 0x176f [1]
[ 3.769072] Rx VDM cmd 0xff008001 type 0 cmd 1 len 1
[ 3.769096] PD TX, header: 0x124f
[ 3.778524] PD TX complete, status: 0
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/fusb302-7*
[ 1.467517] sw reset
[ 1.471400] fusb302 device ID: 0x81
[ 1.476199] pd := off
[ 1.476204] vbus is already Off
[ 1.476207] charge is already Off
[ 1.476210] vconn is already Off
[ 1.477020] pd header := Sink, Device
[ 1.477131] cc1=Open, cc2=Open
[ 1.484586] pd := off
[ 1.484598] vbus is already Off
[ 1.484603] charge is already Off
[ 1.484608] vconn is already Off
[ 1.485434] pd header := Sink, Device
[ 1.485481] cc := Open
[ 1.515593] IRQ: 0x80, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x00
[ 1.515603] IRQ: VBUS_OK, vbus=Off
[ 1.600176] start drp toggling
[ 1.609645] IRQ: 0x00, a: 0x40, b: 0x00, status0: 0x03
[ 1.609684] IRQ: TOGDONE
[ 1.617421] detected cc1=Open, cc2=Rp-3.0
[ 1.617537] cc1=Open, cc2=Rp-3.0
[ 1.787820] IRQ: 0x80, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x83
[ 1.787835] IRQ: VBUS_OK, vbus=On
[ 1.821219] pd header := Sink, Device
[ 1.821356] vbus is already Off
[ 1.828079] pd := on
[ 1.880511] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 1.880518] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 1.882465] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x00, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 1.882475] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 1.882483] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 1.886390] PD message header: 5161
[ 1.886397] PD message len: 20
[ 1.888273] sending PD message header: 1042
[ 1.888281] sending PD message len: 4
[ 1.890126] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0xc0
[ 1.890136] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 1.892061] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x04, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 1.892071] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 1.892077] IRQ: PD tx success
[ 1.894088] PD message header: 161
[ 1.894095] PD message len: 0
[ 1.894112] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 1.896133] PD message header: 364
[ 1.896151] PD message len: 0
[ 1.898410] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 1.898421] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 1.906419] pd := on
[ 1.932440] BC_LVL handler, status0=0x93
[ 2.150646] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x08, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 2.150655] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 2.150660] IRQ: PD hardreset sent
[ 2.156139] pd := off
[ 2.156158] vconn is already Off
[ 2.156167] vbus is already Off
[ 2.156951] pd header := Sink, Device
[ 2.184681] BC_LVL handler, status0=0x83
[ 2.189232] IRQ: 0x80, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x03
[ 2.189254] IRQ: VBUS_OK, vbus=Off
[ 2.999090] IRQ: 0x80, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x83
[ 2.999101] IRQ: VBUS_OK, vbus=On
[ 2.999209] vbus is already Off
[ 3.000119] pd header := Sink, Device
[ 3.005815] pd := on
[ 3.091471] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 3.091494] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.094285] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x00, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 3.094308] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.094320] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 3.099159] PD message header: 5161
[ 3.099176] PD message len: 20
[ 3.101380] sending PD message header: 1042
[ 3.101398] sending PD message len: 4
[ 3.103705] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x04, b: 0x00, status0: 0xd2
[ 3.103723] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.103734] IRQ: PD tx success
[ 3.106057] PD message header: 161
[ 3.106070] PD message len: 0
[ 3.108454] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x00, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 3.108473] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.108482] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 3.110798] PD message header: 363
[ 3.110812] PD message len: 0
[ 3.144489] BC_LVL handler, status0=0x93
[ 3.262142] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x00, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 3.262151] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.262157] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 3.264203] PD message header: 566
[ 3.264215] PD message len: 0
[ 3.266563] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 3.266570] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.300251] BC_LVL handler, status0=0x93
[ 3.765635] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x01, status0: 0x93
[ 3.765645] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.765651] IRQ: PD sent good CRC
[ 3.768956] PD message header: 176f
[ 3.768963] PD message len: 4
[ 3.770945] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 3.770953] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.772875] sending PD message header: 124f
[ 3.772884] sending PD message len: 4
[ 3.774781] IRQ: 0x41, a: 0x00, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 3.774795] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.776707] IRQ: 0x51, a: 0x04, b: 0x00, status0: 0x93
[ 3.776722] IRQ: BC_LVL, handler pending
[ 3.776733] IRQ: PD tx success
[ 3.778512] PD message header: 361
[ 3.778519] PD message len: 0
[ 3.812321] BC_LVL handler, status0=0x93
Which kernel are you running by the way?
plain 5.5.0-rc6-next-20200120 + patch [2]
In vendor kernel (4.4) this is done somehow but the sources are too different for me to find
out how.
Markus Reichl
Markus Reichl
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