Hi All, Currently unbind/bind is not working as expected on rtc-isl1208 driver. The reason is put_device() is not calling rtc_device_release() as some of the kobjects are not freed during unbind. The commit c79108bd19a8 "alarmtimer: Make alarmtimer platform device child of RTC device" adds kobjects for alarmtimer device/sysfs, when we call device_init_wakeup() followed by devm_rtc_register_device()from the end point driver during probe(). But these kobjects are never freed when we do unbind on the endpoint driver. The alarm timer device has alarmtimer_rtc_add_device() but it does not have remove_device() callbacks to free kbjects. Q1) Has anyone tested unbind/rebind on RTC subsystem with device_init_wakeup() followed by devm_rtc_register_device() in the probe? Cheers, Biju