On 05/12/2022 10:34, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
Hi Tomi,
On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 9:07 AM Tomi Valkeinen
<tomi.valkeinen+renesas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Add support for drawing Y210, Y212, Y216 pixels.
Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen+renesas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thanks for your patch!
--- a/kms++util/src/drawing.cpp
+++ b/kms++util/src/drawing.cpp
@@ -179,6 +180,62 @@ static void draw_yuv422_packed_macropixel(IFramebuffer& buf, unsigned x, unsigne
+static void draw_y2xx_packed_macropixel(IFramebuffer& buf, unsigned x, unsigned y,
+ YUV yuv1, YUV yuv2)
+ const uint32_t macro_size = 4;
+ uint16_t* p = (uint16_t*)(buf.map(0) + buf.stride(0) * y + x * macro_size);
+ switch (buf.format()) {
+ case PixelFormat::Y210: {
+ // XXX naive expansion to 10 bits, similar to 10-bit funcs in class RGB
+ uint16_t y0 = yuv1.y << 2;
"yuv1.y << 2 | yuv1.y >> 6" etc...
Yes, the current code leaves the lsbs zero. That's done in a few other
places too. I want to do the proper expansion in some separate class, or
rather, I want the RGB and YUV classes to contain 16-bit components so
that we'll just downshift instead of expand. But I have not gotten there
yet. It's been on my todo-list only for years now...
+ uint16_t y1 = yuv2.y << 2;
+ uint16_t cb = ((yuv1.u << 2) + (yuv2.u << 2)) / 2;
+ uint16_t cr = ((yuv1.v << 2) + (yuv2.v << 2)) / 2;
+ // The 10 bits occupy the msb, so we shift left by 16-10 = 6
+ write16le(&p[0], y0 << 6);
+ write16le(&p[1], cb << 6);
+ write16le(&p[2], y1 << 6);
+ write16le(&p[3], cr << 6);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PixelFormat::Y212: {
+ // XXX naive expansion to 12 bits
+ uint16_t y0 = yuv1.y << 4;
"yuv1.y << 4 | yuv1.y >> 4" etc.
+ uint16_t y1 = yuv2.y << 4;
+ uint16_t cb = ((yuv1.u << 4) + (yuv2.u << 4)) / 2;
+ uint16_t cr = ((yuv1.v << 4) + (yuv2.v << 4)) / 2;
+ // The 10 bits occupy the msb, so we shift left by 16-12 = 4
+ write16le(&p[0], y0 << 4);
+ write16le(&p[1], cb << 4);
+ write16le(&p[2], y1 << 4);
+ write16le(&p[3], cr << 4);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PixelFormat::Y216: {
+ // XXX naive expansion to 16 bits
+ uint16_t y0 = yuv1.y << 8;
"yuv1.y << 8 | yuv1.y" etc.
+ uint16_t y1 = yuv2.y << 8;
+ uint16_t cb = ((yuv1.u << 8) + (yuv2.u << 8)) / 8;
Why divide by 8 instead of 2?
Oops, good that someone is awake! That was a mistake.