On 10/12/2020 4:13 AM, Li, Hao wrote:
Hi, I have noticed that IETF has released a draft of RDMA Extensions for PMEM [1]. Does libibverbs has a plan to implement these extensions? Are there some good starting points if we want to participate the development. Thanks! [1]: https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-talpey-rdma-commit-01.html
The draft you refer to is an individual draft, not an official IETF release. However, after a lengthy process, the effort is now an official work item of the NFSv4 working group, since the original STORM WG was shut down an alternative process had to be determined. An updated document is in the works, hopefully in October, and may become a full RFC as the IETF process advances. My coauthors and I look forward to this. In the meantime, the IBTA LWG took up a similar task, and we completed it several months ago. I am not sure when it might be released as an official Annex, but I assume that is in the works as well. The IBTA version of the extensions is semantically similar, but does not include the "Verify" operation which in the iWARP document. Perhaps this will be added later. In theory, the IBTA SWG is in control of specifying any Verbs changes. The Annex does discuss these, but SWG would still need to ratify. If Fujitsu is an IBTA member, I'd encourage you to support this. IETF, of course, has no dependency on IBTA, or Verbs, so participating there is a separate matter. I encourage that participation, too! Tom.