Re: [Linaro-mm-sig] [PATCH 1/2] dma-buf.rst: Document why indefinite fences are a bad idea

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On 7/9/20 2:33 PM, Daniel Vetter wrote:
Comes up every few years, gets somewhat tedious to discuss, let's
write this down once and for all.

What I'm not sure about is whether the text should be more explicit in
flat out mandating the amdkfd eviction fences for long running compute
workloads or workloads where userspace fencing is allowed.
Although (in my humble opinion) it might be possible to completely 
untangle kernel-introduced fences for resource management and dma-fences 
used for completion- and dependency tracking and lift a lot of 
restrictions for the dma-fences, including prohibiting infinite ones, I 
think this makes sense describing the current state.
Reviewed-by: Thomas Hellstrom <thomas.hellstrom@xxxxxxxxx>

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