Please refer to SoftRoCE. The source code is here
On 3/19/2020 7:07 AM, Dimitris Dimitropoulos wrote:
I'm looking at UDP using the IB verbs library. If I send UDP packets
that are intercepted by the IB verbs layer, what happens with the
completion notifications ?
For example, say I create a list of 10 ibv_recv_wr objects and each
has num_sge = 30, with each SGE having a 4K size. And I setup for
reception with ibv_post_recv(). If I transmit 30 UDP packets each 4K
in size will I receive one CQ event ? Or 30 ?
Will the UDP packets be written in consecutive SGEs of the first
ibv_recv_wr object ? Or will they be written in consecutive
ibv_recv_wr objects (in their first SGE) ?
Thank you.