On Sat, 2019-03-02 at 07:39 +-0800, Yanjun Zhu wrote: +AD4 On 2019/2/27 6:48, Bart Van Assche wrote: +AD4 +AD4 Because of security reasons I would like to run some RDMA tests in a virtual +AD4 +AD4 machine with the rdma+AF8-rxe driver attached to the loopback (+ACI-lo+ACI) interface +AD4 +AD4 and with no other network interfaces configured. Although it is possible to +AD4 +AD4 associate the rdma+AF8-rxe network interface I have not yet found a way to let +AD4 +AD4 the RDMA/CM set up a connection from address ::1 to ::1. +AD4 +AD4 Sorry. Can you use ipv4 address instead of ipv6 address? Hi Yanjun, Login with IPv4 also fails. The logs that appear if I run blktests on top of a v5.0-rc6 kernel with several debug patches applied are as follows: kernel: device-mapper: multipath service-time: version 0.3.0 loaded kernel: ib+AF8-srp:srp+AF8-parse+AF8-in: ib+AF8-srp: -+AD4 kernel: ib+AF8-srp:srp+AF8-create+AF8-target: ib+AF8-srp: max+AF8-sectors +AD0 1024+ADs max+AF8-pages+AF8-per+AF8-mr +AD0 512+ADs mr+AF8-page+AF8-size +AD0 4096+ADs max+AF8-sectors+AF8-per+AF8-mr +AD0 4096+ADs mr+AF8-per+AF8-cmd +AD0 2 kernel: ib+AF8-srp:srp+AF8-create+AF8-ch+AF8-ib: ib+AF8-srp: 1+ADs dev 00000000a502471d (rxe0) +ADwAPg 0000000061eb80ae (rxe1) kernel: ib+AF8-srp: QP creation failed for dev rxe1: -22 multipathd+AFs-850+AF0: mpatho: load table +AFs-0 65536 multipath 1 queue+AF8-if+AF8-no+AF8-path 0 1 1 service-time 0 1 1 8:32 1+AF0 kernel: ib+AF8-srp:srp+AF8-parse+AF8-in: ib+AF8-srp: +AFs::1+AF0:5555 -+AD4 +AFs::1+AF0:5555/0+ACU-0 kernel: ib+AF8-srp:srp+AF8-create+AF8-target: ib+AF8-srp: max+AF8-sectors +AD0 1024+ADs max+AF8-pages+AF8-per+AF8-mr +AD0 512+ADs mr+AF8-page+AF8-size +AD0 4096+ADs max+AF8-sectors+AF8-per+AF8-mr +AD0 4096+ADs mr+AF8-per+AF8-cmd +AD0 2 kernel: ib+AF8-srp:srp+AF8-create+AF8-ch+AF8-ib: ib+AF8-srp: 1+ADs dev 00000000a502471d (rxe0) +ADwAPg 0000000061eb80ae (rxe1) multipathd+AFs-850+AF0: mpatho: event checker started multipathd+AFs-850+AF0: sdc +AFs-8:32+AF0: path added to devmap mpatho kernel: ib+AF8-srp: QP creation failed for dev rxe1: -22 rxe0 is associated with an Ethernet network interface and rxe1 is associated with the loopback interface. QP creation fails because the RDMA CM/ID is associated with another RDMA device than the RDMA protection domain. So the root cause here is that calling rdma+AF8-resolve+AF8-route() with either or ::1 as source and/or destination addresses associates the RDMA CM/ID with the wrong RDMA device. Bart.