On Thu, 2019-02-28 at 15:38 -0700, Shaobo He wrote: +AD4 In function +AGA-c4iw+AF8-dealloc+AF8-mw+AGA, variable mhp's value is printed after +AD4 freed, which triggers undefined behavior according to this post: +AD4 https://trust-in-soft.com/dangling-pointer-indeterminate/. +AD4 +AD4 This commit fixes it by swapping the order of +AGA-kfree+AGA and +AGA-pr+AF8-debug+AGA. +AD4 +AD4 Signed-off-by: Shaobo He +ADw-shaobo+AEA-cs.utah.edu+AD4 +AD4 --- +AD4 drivers/infiniband/hw/cxgb4/mem.c +AHw 2 +-- +AD4 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+-), 1 deletion(-) +AD4 +AD4 diff --git a/drivers/infiniband/hw/cxgb4/mem.c b/drivers/infiniband/hw/cxgb4/mem.c +AD4 index 7b76e6f..bb8e0bc 100644 +AD4 --- a/drivers/infiniband/hw/cxgb4/mem.c +AD4 +-+-+- b/drivers/infiniband/hw/cxgb4/mem.c +AD4 +AEAAQA -684,8 +-684,8 +AEAAQA int c4iw+AF8-dealloc+AF8-mw(struct ib+AF8-mw +ACo-mw) +AD4 mhp-+AD4-wr+AF8-waitp)+ADs +AD4 kfree+AF8-skb(mhp-+AD4-dereg+AF8-skb)+ADs +AD4 c4iw+AF8-put+AF8-wr+AF8-wait(mhp-+AD4-wr+AF8-waitp)+ADs +AD4 - kfree(mhp)+ADs +AD4 pr+AF8-debug(+ACI-ib+AF8-mw +ACU-p mmid 0x+ACU-x ptr +ACU-p+AFw-n+ACI, mw, mmid, mhp)+ADs +AD4 +- kfree(mhp)+ADs +AD4 return 0+ADs +AD4 +AH0 Please quote the relevant paragraphs from the C standard. All I have found about free() in ISO/IEC 9899:2017 is the following: Description The free function causes the space pointed to by ptr to be deallocated, that is, made available for further allocation. If ptr is a null pointer, no action occurs. Otherwise, if the argument does not match a pointer earlier returned by a memory management function, or if the space has been deallocated by a call to free or realloc, the behavior is undefined. That is not sufficient to claim that the above code triggers undefined behavior. Bart.